2025/01/01st – Happy New Year to You 

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1a -Happy New year   And suddenly it is 2025.

Happy New year   And then, suddenly it is 2025. Happy New Year! Now we await the next celebration of the Golden Era which starts at 12 Noon on January 20 U.S time so get your Champagne chilled. It’s going to be Biblical. No one knows anything for sure so get on your knees sincerely

1b – Restored Republic Dec 31, 2024

EXCERPT An Economic Collapse was on the horizon for this week. The Stock Market and Bitcoin, which have long been held up by the fiat dollar without gold/asset backing, were both expected to crash.


2a – Trumps Great Depression Warning is a Promise


2b – The Guardian Angels

3a – Your Local Council

3b – Illegal COVID Fines: Royal Commission NOW

She is a liar and cannot answer any questions straight and honestly.


3c – Florida set to officially classify Covid Vaccines as Bioweapons

4a – Energy solutions are under our feet

4b – Sitting in an electric vehicle is like sitting in a microwave oven

Especially if you still want to cling to your smartass phone

5a – Mayhem Mel – Jan 01 2025

5b – Med Bed Roll Out 

5c – How Vaccines Alter Intimate Relationships and Gender Identity.

Exploring the links between vaccination, human connection, autism, and sexual orientation. For over a century, a large volume of evidence has been compiled showing that vaccination can cause a wide range of disorders (e.g., autism and middle ear infections—both of which will be explored in detail here), many of which are neurological or autoimmune in nature.



6 – Rabbi Finkelstein Interview

300,000 Children a year blood Sacrificed and put in McDonalds meat!

 https://larryhannigan.com.au/churches/13c-the-devil-and-the-jews/ /


7 – What Will Release The Antichrist

So refreshing to hear a pastor educating his people – Being a pastor does not exempt a man from accountability; it makes him even more accountable (Jas 3:1). This obligation is not an option – He should really be conducting self defence classes about physical and Govt abuses like the ATO and Local Councils extortion as well as the dangers of smartass phone and vaccines etc If he doesn’t know he had better find out – he might even save people from misery and even untimely death


8 – 25 unusual Plane flights   video 2 on


End of Post

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