Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only. All items are the opinion of the authors. Thank you all for your support to maintain the operation of this site and welcome to many new subscribers daily. Special thanks to anonymous donors
1a – Waiting for the day when Israel starts to look like Gaza
1b – Attn all teachers in every role
Baal is one of the many names of Satan. In the margin of the Scofield Bible and the King James Bible with marginal notes, it says that Baal is Lord. So, Baal and Lord are the same, and whenever you say, ‘Praise the Lord” or ‘Praise God’, you are actually saying ‘Praise Baal.” So why do so called Christians continue using such filthy language ? Genesis 4.1 And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD. This was after the fall, and who became the LORD of the Earth ? – Lucifer of course !!! When are you gonna wake up and preach the truth and keep your people free from ignorance ? Hosea 4.6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me:
1c – Your Child on Santa’s Lap
This is why we shouldn’t just blindly follow every “tradition” especially pagan Christmas. First find the origin and then make your decision to follow the herd or build your own traditions. See the notes on the right on this video
2a – You’re not allowed to do this on your private property…
Are you going to wait until local councils dictate how many tomato plants you are ‘permitted’ to have in your garden? Or how much rain water you are permitted to collect & store from run-off? Marxist Socialism tyranny relies on the ignorance of the people until it’s too late.
2b – This City is forcing a permit to change your own oil

3a – Shift Is Happening – CNN giving a voice to amazing woman
“The conspiracy is to shut down information in order to protect the profits of the Corporations.” – Zen Honeycutt.
3b – A Proclamation by the General Court on 19 Jan 1776.
Posted by Mayhem With Mel Forwarded from The Protzmanians = 199 (Melissa Proud Protzmanian) A Proclamation by the General Court 249 years ago on January 19, 1776. Same day as the DC TRUMP RALLY …………………….. More on Items 6 + 7

3c – Changes in 2025
4 – CBI brings back 1940s notes: – Iraq
5a – Trump Tower attacker Manifesto warning about anti-gravity military DRONES, still alive!?
5b – Possible massive explosion in Washington on Monday, January 6 – This may well be a part of the movie ??? we will see
A credible source in Washington DC has stated that there will be a massive explosion during the counting of the electoral votes on Monday, January 6. That’s all we know, we don’t know if it’s inside, outside, or whatever. The source is Jeffrey Prather. The first three minutes of this video. If we can share this information widely, maybe we can stop the event from happening– Here are a few minutes – watch it all if you want – https://rumble.com/v65wu8a-the-prather-point.html
6a – How did Peter Dutton amass a net worth of $300 million?
6b – Australia Part of the US Republic?
Forwarded from Capt Kyle Patriots (Capt Kyle) – I’ve told you this for years, but now you have PDJT speaking to this now. Why now because it’s now time for it to come out to the public space. We just didn’t know how it would become public. Or how it would be made official. We had spoken about how Australia was listed on the US Stock Exchange. And that it was taken over by the Republic (the real one) the exchange was privately owned. Just like the Federal Reserve was and it also transferred to the Treasury Department or the Republic (real one). The USMCA was the start of this process. I believe it was section 25.3. < this was from memory so don’t bash me if it’s off just a bit. That started the outline of responsibility in the agreement. For North America becoming all part of the USA. Wake up and know it’s all happening and the last of the power struggle is exposing themselves in their rebellion against the people of the Republic. You are the Republic We The People, not the government. Capt@CaptKylePatriots – David J Sorensen Video
6c – The Messenger
Judy says I’ve said it before and I will say it again … Donald Trump is our Commander in Chief, and has been since he was elected in 2016. He has never left his position, he never conceded the 2020 election. His inauguration on Mon 20 Jan. 2025 has to be to the President of the Restored American Republic, not to the privately owned US Inc, which was broke and defunct as of Wed. 1 Jan. 2025. – Which meant that the privately owned US Corp. officially dissolved on Wed. 1 Jan. 2025. – Which meant that Maritime Law, the IRS, Federal Reserve and fiat US Dollar were officially dead. – Which meant that on Mon. 6 Jan. 2025 the Global Quantum Financial System would activate with gold/ asset-backed currencies of sovereign nations across the World in a historic largest transfer of wealth from the Deep State Cabal Banking Cartel to The People – a freedom from debt for peoples of the World.
Which meant that US Taxpayer dollars would no longer be sent to the UK Crown, Vatican Bank and their Central Banking Cartel across the World. – Which also meant that the Cabal Deep State Banking Cartel no longer controlled US Taxpayer monies. They were controlled By The People For The People through the new The People Owned gold/backed US Treasury. Prepare for a Global 48 hour (or ten day?) Communication Lockdown. Prepare for a Restored American Republic Celebration Mon. 26 May Memorial Day through Fri. 4 July 2025 in a return to concepts of the original Constitution, including Constitutional Law.
Please share to this with the still awake
7a – Mayhem With Mel – Sunday 5 Jan 2025
7b – Australia Dec 26, 2024 unusual sky activities.
Posted by Melissa – The trans dimensional spacecraft have been developed under the US Navy’s clandestine, black budget Aurora Program, for generating Bosonic condensate… This may well be CGI also – who can know ?
8 – Attorney warns Biden family is about to have a ‘bad day’