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1 – Frozen Tesla EVs
2a -Why is Trump saying he will make Canada part of America
2b – Nicotine is the antidote – believe it or not

3 – We are officially headed into North American Union – Trump certified by Congress

4a – Quantum Financial System
There are a lot more bank accounts around the world that are sitting on massive amounts in them.. 7 TRUSTS being opened up to the world for NESARA / GESARA
4b – Intel Call 6 Jan 2025 – Opinion Only
This is Tony’s opinion – Other opinions are that The DS will crash the Financial system after Jan 20 so they can blame Trump. This is the most ferocious battle of ideologies in modern history
1. Tony said he is 99.9% sure the RV will happen within two days.
2. The RV should have happened last week.
3. There is a meeting going on right now discussing when to release the authorization codes.
4. Today at 2:00 PM the window opened.
5. They were making sure there was no problem with certifying the election for the President of the United States.
6. Tony was told that Tuesday or Wednesday the RV will start for us.
7. Nothing else has changed.
8. Tony was told over the weekend that it was our turn. That is “We are next in line”.
9. The window is open…….
10. The RV will be on Forex this Friday for the general public.
11. Question: Do we need a trust now. Answer: NO.
12. There was a long discussion on the Bolivar. The final word was $0.38 to $0.83 depending on the amount you have and your negotiating skills.
13. All Bolivar dated 2018 plus are good.
14. Question: People in Kurdistan are being paid now. We were told that when Kurdistan gets paid, we were to be paid at that time? Answer: That is still true.
15. All countries have stated they want the RV before January 20, 2025. Before Trump takes the office of the President of the United States.
16. Question: is this a done deal? Answer: Tony said he is 99.9% sure it is! He will only be 100% certain when he gets the codes.
17. All banks work the same way. When you deposit a large check, you can get a small amount of money at the time of said deposit. The exchange will work the same way. You can get 10% of your deposited amount immediately and 90% with 72 hours
5 – Iraqi Dinar Redemption Centre Dinar and Dong
“Authorizing the Governor of the State Bank, Deputy Governor Pham Tien Dung handed over the Decision to the appointed officials. Deputy Governor Pham Tien Dung said that in Decree No. 146/2024/ND-CP dated November 6, 2024 of the Government (effective from January 5, 2025), the Department of Natural Resources was stipulated that the National Administration is one of the administrative units helping the Governor of the State Bank to perform state management functions and central bank functions.”
Vietnam State Bank Decree No. 146/2024/ND-CP represents a significant regulatory update for Vietnam’s central banking operations, aiming to refine its governance structure, clarify roles, and potentially adapt to new financial challenges or technological advancements in banking.

6 – Media Crimes Exposed
World leading news reporters and journalists reveal how the news is used by billionaires, governments and intelligence agencies to control the beliefs and behaviour of the public.
7 – Their Plan to make Israel the centre of a One World Govt
This film exposes something so nefarious, so evil, so mind-blowing that many will find it hard to believe. Yet it is true. The shocking secrets unveiled by this incredible documentary will shine a blazing light on the criminal entities who have always been hiding behind both the state of Israel and Hamas. This film has the power to deliver a fatal blow to the satanic elites, who want to establish a one world government from Jerusalem to enslave all of humanity.