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Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only. All items are the opinion of the authors. Thank you all for your support to maintain the operation of this site and welcome to many new subscribers daily. Special thanks to anonymous donors – Please continue. It costs $400 per month to run this site

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short Clip that helps explain how far away from the real law the Corp Govt Is

The land mass is Terra Australis, the Commonwealth of Australia and Australia are corporations. Registered in Norfolk Island and USA. In 2003 they changed the Australian Services Exchange to the Australian Stock Exchange. Australia is owned by Washington DC, running through New York exchange. There has been many referendums in the past which was a no vote and implicated anyway, most of the statutes are legal not law.  There are many jurisdictions overplayed to entangle the living and coerce them into the UCC corporate system.

Taxes – Insurance – Council rates. Local Council anything have no standing, its all fraud and treason. The difference is deciding whether you are a living breathing man or dead or lost at sea through your strawman. And to add to Trump”s Executive Orders seized all assets in nefarious corrupt avenues. Australia being a business model, has now been taken over by the new US Republic treasury, which is why some may be indicating Oz being a new state under the US banner

against the people by criminal cowards in Govt

also King Charles and Camilla are set for a royal visit to Italy – and could meet Pope Francis in the Vatican … why ?? It is understood that negotiations around them meeting with Pope Francis are still ‘very much on the table’ and ‘nothing has been decided yet’. King Charles and Queen Camilla have visited Rome twice in recent years and on both visits they made a point of going to meet the leader of the Catholic Church, Pope Benedict XVI in 2009 and Pope Francis in 2017. – see why in 10c

with Husband Edwin Schlossberg. Night Live’s 50th anniversary celebration. On Sunday, Feb. 16, the couple made a rare appearance on the SNL red carpet in honour of the iconic sketch show’s milestone event.

‘How THE PLAN for the reconstruction of Palestine, is going to be achieved it is not clear, though it would certainly and most likely involve neighbouring nation states. At the moment president Trump’s plans are not clear that will most likely become clear in the weeks and months ahead. 

The day-to-day falsification of the past proves as essential to regime stability. Through the Ministry of Truth’s efforts, memory becomes collectively controlled – what’s remembered must align with current Party doctrine regardless of previous “facts.”

The alleged nation of Israel was created by fraud in 1948. This is a story of an oppressor and the oppressed. It’s a long and complicated story, with a simple core. If your context of this story started on 7th Oct 2023, then you, AND THE PRESENTER in this video have a lot of homework to do.

OK @ 1.25 speed –



Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only. All items are the opinion of the authors. Thank you all for your support to maintain the operation of this site and welcome to many new subscribers daily. Special thanks to anonymous donors – Please continue. It costs $400 per month to run this site

eg …. Trump instigates world to WW3.  Trump’s Tariff Agenda Backfiring

1 – Every link sent to me is on ytube is quite old – and this would never happen before  – but all are on Youtube (to get maximum world wide coverage?)  Ytube does not ensure any truth. Anyone  can put anything at all on Ytube within their terms of service. Who would want to start a real WW3 ?  there would be nobody left on Earth.

2 -The Q plan says we will be brought to the brink of WW3 – that has not really happened yet apart from some major skirmishes,  mostly fake news

3 – Today is Feb 15 – there are 3 DS strongholds – Davos – Switzerland and Pine gap – all to be taken down.

4 Last couple days the WW3 agenda getting close even on tv Skynews – all obedient actors reading a script.

5 – Tariffs are not bad – yes prices will rise because when we start making things again, our workers will be paid properly instead of $5 a week – Sad that people cannot see that and care little that their kids cannot get a job.  There is no production problems in the world – the only problem is distribution and personal tax which Trump wants to abolish.

Read it all

Posted by Jack Straw on X – I cannot confirm at this stage whether these documents are original, Trump’s current trajectory suggests they might be.

The stupid will soon be voting for political filth who have sanctioned and mandated the following Acts along with the nefarious aid of the legal profession

1.       Sanctioning the Australian Nations administration to the Zionist owned United Nations. TREASON.

2.       Allowed the foreign invasion of Australia by the World Health Organisation (WHO). TREASON.

3.       Mandating for the WHO to inject harmful substances into the nation’s children. GENOCIDE.

4.       Mandating poison injections for millions of adults, rendering many brain-dead. HOMICIDE.

5.       Resulting in a 2025 twenty-fold demand increase in ambulance service. MASS MURDER

6.       Removing the peoples Sovereign Rights by imposing administrative corporatocracy. TREASON.

7.       Making 120 alterations to the Commonwealth Constitution Act without a referendum. TREASON.

8.       Allowing Political Parties to be subservient to foreign treaties and not the people. TREASON.

9.       Allowing private Fractional Reserve Banking as opposed to a people Public Bank. TREASON.

10.   Allowing foreign ownership of resources rather than their nationalisation. BANKRUPTCY.

11.   Attempting to restrict free speech. EVIL     

 If you intend fraternising with the evil politicians and VOTE for their continued TREASON, HOMOCIDE and GENOCIDE, your nation will be as BANKRUPTED along with the obvious intelligent emptiness of your head.  Read number Four again. Those who do not send this email on to all Australians are certainly brain-dead OR gutless. Colin Uebergang

Mark Zuckerberg, an outspoken critic of “man-made climate change”, shows off his new $300 million, 287-foot mega yacht, powered by four gigantic diesel engines.

for undermining & destroying our country, then you can’t save the country.

It is extracted from tortured young children – Used by Hollywood and many politicians


Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only. All items are the opinion of the authors. Thank you all for your support to maintain the operation of this site and welcome to many new subscribers daily. Special thanks to anonymous donors – Please continue. It costs $400 per month to run this site

The government’s Hate Speech Bill is one of the most dangerous attacks on free speech in our country’s history. They have criminalised dissent, handing unelected bureaucrats the power to decide what Australians can and cannot say. This isn’t about safety, and it isn’t about stopping hate from the fringes of society. It’s about silencing opposition and expanding government control.

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it is equivalent to Aust Tax Office ATO – next ???

Bear arms all time ,,,in the UK @ 7 mins Link –

Show this to people who have had the jab—will they believe it or not- too scary for them to hear and see it—or should they wake up and start healing themselves

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The Revolution in Healthcare is here. Interesting step from Trump; at last, it appears Trump is actually working to change things, for the better, for Americans, the world, which is beneficial, and watch how quickly BIG PHARMA, the A.M.A., and all it’s affiliates, chemists, doctors, the drug corporations, etc., will be upping arms, to protect their lucrative businesses. Am not sure if is reliable but this makes sense – now you may understand that “Medicare” will not be needed to the massive extent is is now

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Victoria Police members have passed a Motion of No Confidence in Chief Commissioner Shane Patton.   Link –

and ↓

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Establishing the Presidents Make America Healthy Again Commission.  You can listen and read.

Link –

You will be motivated to get us OUT of the UN and get the UN OUT of us

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