Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only. All items are the opinion of the authors. Thank you all for your support to maintain the operation of this site and welcome to many new subscribers daily. Special thanks to anonymous donors – Please continue. It costs $400 per month to run this site

Another executive order Trump just signed this morning

We’ve just been chattle in their eyes for so long. Time to end our strawman accounts and give us back everything we are owed. .


Always – a couple of days ?

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been confirmed as the next US Secretary of Health and Human Services, and Senator Mitch McConnel (R-Kentucky) is not happy. Kennedy was confirmed by a vote of 52-48, with the sole “no” Republican vote coming from Mitch McConnell, who issued this bitter statement. “I’m a survivor of childhood polio. In my lifetime, I’ve watched vaccines save millions of lives from devastating diseases across America and around the world. I will not condone the re-litigation of proven cures, and neither will millions of Americans who credit their survival and quality of life to scientific miracles. A record of trafficking in dangerous conspiracy theories and eroding trust in public health institutions does not entitle Mr. Kennedy to lead these important efforts. As he takes office, I sincerely hope Mr. Kennedy will choose not to sow further doubt and division but to restore trust in our public health institutions,” McConnell said.



Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only. All items are the opinion of the authors. Thank you all for your support to maintain the operation of this site and welcome to many new subscribers daily. Special thanks to anonymous donors – Please continue. It costs $400 per month to run this site

The Yahweh name is His only name and that the Jesus was a creation of Greek, Yehzeus, a pagan god. Get rid of god, lord, and jesus from your vocabulary or continuing being a pagan and celebrating all the pagan holidays.  Learn the truth before it is too late to save you!  Yahweh is going to save those who know Him, worship Him, and obey Him.  No more pagan names and lies, and practices!  Get rid of the modern day Nimrods!  Your choice! “Nothing is legally right that is morally wrong.” “The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe.”, Proverbs 29:25

Full link – https://rumble.com/v6jtsm7-australiaone-party-the-green-room-12-february-2025-800pm-aedt.htmlemail – [email protected] – for the petition to sign

with the crucial 13th INB negotiations just around the corner. This is a make-or-break moment. You and I have fought hard to delay this treaty every step of the way. But now, the WHO is more determined than ever to force it through before its final deadline in May. If we don’t stop them, unelected global elites will take control over your health, your freedoms, and your future. The decisions being made today will determine whether we keep our rights—or surrender them forever. If this treaty passes, stake:

  • They will decide which vaccines your children receive—not you.
  • They will control where you can travel—not you.
  • They will determine if you can worship in person—not you.
  • They will steal YOUR tax dollars, using them to fund their anti-freedom agenda

Sebastian Lukomski started a petition to UN Ambassadors and WHO Representatives – 4 Feb 25 ……. Email  [email protected] ask him for the link to sign the petition


It will probably start out as mandatory. AI is nothing like what you think it is. It’s a bunch of algorithms designed to programme and reinforce the most likely answer we expect. It is typically trained by low-paid people in India to create those reinforcements. Whoever trains it, they control the narrative. Bad training causes it to hallucinate

Link – https://old.bitchute.com/video/adUAkpOL9ks8/

The Black papacy and the Jesuit enclaves which long conducted the civilization witchery over humanity is all but over. There are still many people who are concerned about what is happening in Washington D.C. and they still believe that we are moving into an entrapment… a dragnet… of false light and what have you. What is happening with DOGE… if this is NOT a ‘Systemic Takedown’… of this Sabbatean Mafia…this hegemony of the ‘Priest Banker Class’… since the time of the Phoenicians that has held Man in slavery…  

Trump… whether you love or hate the man is NOT the point.  The POINT is the Executive pen. The executive pen is being wielded… is undoing 80 years of Systemic wickedness…. It will take Trump 8 weeks to dismantle 80 years of an EVIL EMPIRE.

A2Z Dreamz RV & XRP Channel (A2Z) You will want to read this…. Budget tables. They are the KEY

We’ve heard this many times – an appointment will be believing ?

Hello passengers of Freedom Flight GLL117! This is your co-pilot Ginger speaking and I’m seated next to Jesus your Chief Pilot. We are happy to update all Passengers heading to Destination Oasis on the progress of our upcoming smooth landing. We have received radio tower communications from the Happy Camper officials. The following information is newsworthy and continues to go through the verification processes, by yours truly, Gin Gin. According to the latest communications received, we have learned exciting details about Dubai 2 holdings, which is managing the Tier 3 groups within which there are 94 platforms. Please be advised that 12 platforms went last night on February 11th 2025 which is consistent with the Gintel we have already provided you on the 10th of February. It is important to understand that within Tier 3, there are many platforms comprised of a great number of groups – some are big some are small. But within them, there are millions of participants.

Just today, via radio communication, a contact who receives information from official parties, has stated “Ginger you were right. The money was released. They spent all day yesterday moving the funds so that it can be dispersed today.” I was also told that some of those passengers, on a Tier 3 earlier flight, have landed, deplaned and are enjoying Duty Free shopping while embarking on their White Water Adventure excursions with swim trunks, swim suits and inner tubes en tow.

We are in very good shape family. As of noon today we learned that funds were released last night to pay 12 platforms in effort to begin the payment process downstream. Some happy campers will be traveling to Reno, while others will not and they will simply receive their payment electronically. And very shortly, 58 platforms will begin their payment process as well. All this means is that we in Tier 4B are now qualified to be in the mix for our Happy Landing to smoothly commence. I was told and I quote, “We are here. Stick a fork in it. It’s done.”

Next, I’m asking all passengers flying Freedom Flight GLL117 to keep your beautiful bedazzled bionic binoculars handy and I’m asking for your support in vetting some very significant details. I was told that the obligatory funds such as adjudicated funds paying out CMKX, farm claims, Prosperity Packages, and Native Americans, have been satisfied and are, I quote “in the rear view mirror” as of yesterday – meaning they have been settled. I would like to hear proof of this from boots-on-the-ground, but I also realize how challenging that might be with potential NDAs and such. The positive reality remains that we do understand we could not be seeing this amazing blessing going on now in Reno with that important mile marker having not already been satisfied and taken care of. But you know me – I still want proof. I’m just keeping my promise to you and reporting what I’m hearing from solid contacts and seeking support from friends to validate credible information.

I would like to reiterate a very important detail. Please note that the M1 funds were paid out and circulating which will fund the Trigger Platforms. This was approved and released yesterday February 11th as I advise you would be the case back on the 10th. Funds have been authorized to move today 2.12.25. We are now waiting for our turn and Pilot Jesus and Co-Pilot Ginger will be circling the tarmac at a safe distance hearing from the command tower and we will report to you any further news as to our safe descent for a smooth landing.

For your entertainment Co-Pilot Ginger  has fascinating and marvelous Gematria decodes to share with you and encourage you as we are flying high in our 5D super duper jet with Jesus. However the 3D version of Ginger has a reality of living in Southwest Virginia in an ice storm and she has lost power. That being said, all of my notes are on my PC which I cannot access until power is restored. 2.12.25 #GLL117 #Gintel #RVThereYet #HappyCampers

Is this the way in which Councils have been able to negate their liabilities when council trees fall on residential houses ? What about Council Public Safety failures, why are councils never held liable for breaches of public safety ? This should be of concern to every Insurance policy holder. There is no sound on this video ↓ just read it



Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only. All items are the opinion of the authors. Thank you all for your support to maintain the operation of this site and welcome to many new subscribers daily. Special thanks to anonymous donors – Please continue

Radio host scrutinises immense level of government bureaucracy as latest stats raise eyebrows – Sky News Australia: The immense size of the Australian government has been put under the microscope after a radio host was left shocked at finding there was 2.5 million public servants costing taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars per year.   Watch the video


Rightly or wrongly, He presents Trump as just another puppet to the Jesuits with a big mouth. Trump needs to stay at home and just make America great again. Douglas Macgregor is a very practical man. Remember there are all these American war ships in our ports as claimed by so called awake people, all have smartass phones with cameras. Still haven’t seen one photo of them yet. America is not as powerful as it was and the tide is turning. Saudi Arabia just backed the Palestinians up so all Arabic Countries  are lining up with them which will hopefully pull Trump with his grandiose ideas.  All these Aussie (Traitors) want to sell their country out instead of standing up for our own Australian Primary Law where we have every right known to man.

The establishment have written and rewritten without your knowledge or consent, subverted laws that you thought were guaranteed (ie Australia’s Constitution 1901).

The Enacting Manner and form – Year 1972  “Be it enacted by the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty, the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia ..” = Crown and Constitutional Authority. Year 1973  “BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the Queen, (Note: Most Excellent Majesty and Commonwealth removed) the Senate and the House of Representatives of Australia”  Most Excellent Majesty, Royal Assent has been removed. Commonwealth, Quick and Garran Annotated Constitution (Cth) Page 927  Quote: “Attention is particularly drawn to this definition of Commonwealth, which is clear and unchallengeable, according to the express wording of the Preamble and the first six clauses of the Imperial Act.” In the Preamble, it clearly states “humbly relying on the blessing of Almighty God,” This removed “Defender of the Faith” from all Commonwealth Land Titles. It’s still there to-day but they don’t consolidate it. This is part of the Treasonous Political Parties Cloning Our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act to their Treason. Therefore the Preamble and the first six Clauses are not consolidated forward.  This in fact removed all living people and therefore creating all as Abstract. Hence, JOHN DOE or JANE DOE. Doing this the Satanic Treasonous Political Parties changed the definition of land from yards to metres. From 1976 to 1980 every State removed the Defender of the Faith, therefore removed all rights to own anything, including our land, our own bodies, children, after this we as people own nothing. Fact. Being abstract we have No God, No Soul. Church Leaders sold their souls and Ours to the Treasonous Political Parties. All States created this Act of Treason in conjunction with the status of the Commonwealth of Australia as a sovereign, independent and federal nation. Australia Acts (Request) Act 1985. All land now is sold in metres. We own nothing. Video of Douglas Macgregor’s talk ↓

Remember – Trump is playing the Devil’s advocate > to get rid of Zionism > Israel is last


“Nothing is legally right that is morally wrong.”“The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe.” Proverbs 29:25

Gain-of-function research for the next planned pandemic is underway


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