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DISCLAIMER: The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only….the Reader is responsible for all thoughts and actions gained from introspection. All items are the opinion of the authors
1a – Changing your DNA
Humanity’s DNA is made originally by the creator Yaweh, unaltered & untouched by man’s science. The unvaxxinated are the only pure bloods left on the whole entire Earth plane. If you have been vaxxinated, you have allowed these new Nimrods to change your DNA. If vaxxinated, your body will never be the same, you cannot reverse gene therapy once injected with mRNA technology.
1b – 30,000 Aus. Military Personnel Mobilised
From Meg in Victoria – I live in the Upper Hunter – last two days lots of military flyovers- not showing on ads so transponders are off in the last 20mins 3, assuming large transporters
1c – Lockdowns planned in 2007
12 – Walter Veith is well respected – EBS Codes
This is not a warning but it’s a code, there will be Electronic Broadcast for 3 days. EBS. A total shutdown in South and world for 3 to 10 days – be alert.
2 – Compilation
Best Advert on TV – Tolerate Everyone – Holograms – Strange Clouds – Your Robot – Surveillance Camera
Have you ever wonder why the ‘Weatherman’ is horribly inaccurate!?? Weather Manipulation aka HAARP from 1991.. The Government Complex has been manipulating the weather since the 1991.. What’s real anymore and what’s fake?
Have you ever wondered why the ‘Weatherman’ is horribly inaccurate!?? Weather Manipulation aka HAARP from 1991.. The Government/ Military Complex has been manipulating the weather since the 1991.. What’s real anymore and what’s fake?
3 – Exmouth – Solar Eclipse 29 April
A lot of heavy symbolism here – need to watch all
4 – Missing children
5 – Peter Costello
6 – 64 more towns in NAB’s bank firing line
7 – Local Land Services
8 – Supreme Courts Rules COVID Fines Invalid as the Penalty Notices Did Not Specify the Offence
9 – What happens – boil Fluoridated Tap water ?
10 – Messenger RNA inoculation of NSW cattle will be the end of the red meat industry
Pray that God will intervene so Q can act before this happens
11 – Invasion of the Body Snatchers – predictive
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