2023/06/06th  – Unplugging from the Matrix

Thank you one and all subscribers for your patience and loyalty. This site is almost restored. Special thanks to the anonymous 11 generous donors helping to pay for the restoration.


Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only… All items are the opinion of the authors


1 – Unplugging from the Matrix


2 – Pedophilia Everywhere – yes Australia too


3 – £1600 A Month Universal Basic Income


4 – China – Fields of Stones stuck to Metal Bars

Watch it all the way through on Ytube link for full screen


5 – Italy – Govt forces farmer to vaxx his herd – 30% dead in 1 hour

6 – Cloning

7a – The Govt is admitting using clones ?

7b – US Army Doctor Reports ..

8 – Graphene in Australian Dentist Anesthetics ?

It is true, one of the vials I obtained from my dentist in Melbourne is ATO Lidocaine 2%, mentioned here.  Debra – The brand is ZIZINE

9 – Wake Up Australia ….. from Jacinta Price      

10 – Trump recommending Hydrochloroquine – . . he always did

Some of us wonder if Trump is a White Hat. I have a good understanding of the financial and other control of politicians and pretend governments. I wanted to know and did enough research to learn Trump is on our side. A couple of quick points. by Dennis S Ex MP

The best proof is that Trump has been defamed, slandered, charged, [impeached twice] like no one in US history. In my two terms in Parliament, I was attacked hundreds of times. That’s nothing like that which Trump had to face. You should know by now that Zionists control virtually all US media and much of the worlds: radio, tv, newspapers, publications, social media, the indoctrination (education) system, parliaments, the UN and endless more; thereby controlling the US Inc. They mounted every attack against Trump including rigging the voting (watch ‘2,000 Mules’ if you don’t know this). Now, if Trump was a black hat, owned by the Zionists, they would never do this; wouldn’t need to. Look at the comparison with the Biden stand in, playing the role of a lifetime as a dunce. Virtually no attacks and huge support pre and post his fraudulent election.

For decades in working out who is on our side and who isn’t, I thoroughly check the people and groups they are connected to and whether they are attacked or praised. This has given superb results. It takes some time! So, if you don’t know Trump’s on our team, check it out. It’s great when you know for sure.

PS. IF YOU DON’T KNOW, DO THE RESEARCH, THEN WISH HIM WELL IN YOUR THOUGHTS AND DO NOT DIRECT ANY NEGATIVE ENERGY TOWARDS HIM! That’s why it’s important you know and don’t work against what he (and others) are doing.


THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you, Doctor.  Great job too.  Really great job. 

So, the pharmaceutical company, Sandoz, has been working with us very closely.  And as Alex mentioned a little bit, 30 million doses of the hydroxychloroquine to the United States government has been given.  And Bayer has donated 1 million doses of the chloroquine, which will soon be distributed to states and state health officials around the country.  Teva Pharmaceuticals is also donating 6 million doses of hydroxychloroquine to U.S. hospitals.  That’s 6 million doses.







I want to point out that the hydroxychloroquine is being administered to 1,100 patients — people in New York — along with the Z-Pak, which is azithromycin.  And it’s very early yet; it’s only — it started two days ago.  But we will see what happens. I want to thank Stephen Hahn, who’s a great doctor — left one of the best jobs in our country running an incredible Hospital in Texas.  And he’s the head of the FDA.  And Stephen got approval for that so fast.  Let’s see how it works.  It may, it may not.  But we may have some incredible results.  We’re going to know soon.  So it’s tested — it’s being tested on 1,100 people in New York.

The FDA is also allowing the emergency use of a blood-related therapy called convalescent plasma as an experimental treatment for seriously ill patients.  This treatment involves taking blood plasma from patients who have already recovered from the virus.  So they’ve recovered; they’re strong.  Something was good in them that worked.  And so we take the plasma from those people that have recovered so well — meaning, their plasma is rich in antibodies against the virus — and transfusing it into six patients — sick patients, very — very, very powerfully. So, sick patients will be transfused with the blood taken to boost their immune system.  We’ll see what happens.  And we’re having some early results that are good, but we will see.  And that’s going, I think, very rapidly.  Again, we got approvals in, really, very quick time.

11 – We Lost this Technology

12 – So many grey nomads on the roads today

13 – Revenge of the smartass phones – soon

14 – Restored Republic via a GCR as of June 6, 2023 – Hope this will soon happen – dates are estimates cos events change almost hourlyclick link


End of Post

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