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Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only… All items are the opinion of the authors
1a – Biden, Trump and Elon Musk secret chat
1b – Big Pharma & ending global Freeloading
2a – Durham Nuggets
Durham hearing in a nutshell:
— Proved the Steele dossier was verified to be completely unsubstantiated
— Proved FISA/FBI fabricated evidence to begin spying
— Confirmed the Obama admin, including Biden knew
— Confirmed the orders came from the 7th Floor
— Confirmed there is an appendix to the report which is classified
— Said some things are still under ‘seal’ which could verify ongoing investigations. This is not the arrests people hope for, but that is a lot of things confirmed still.
2b – Start of the New World
End of Greta’s Climate Doomsday Prediction. End of the Swamp and Fiat
2c – Navy’s Top Secret System Heard Titanic Submarine Imploding
A top secret program in the U.S. Navy detected the implosion of the Titan submersible descending into the ocean to visit the Titanic wreckage. A U.S. defense official confirmed the noise occurred one hour and 45 minutes into its mission Sunday morning.
Oceangate – what a coincidental company name ? Titan – also a symbolic name
2d – Two more coincidences
3 – Ultra Low Emission Zone’ cameras being used in London now
4 – Currency exchanges – What is happening to the US dollar ?
5 – Large deployment of Marines to Australia for Talisman Sabre
There will be large deployment of the US Marine Corps to Australia for the biannual Talisman Sabre 2023 exercise which will commence July 22 – they have been arriving and are still arriving. After Trump’s arraignment in Miami on 37 federal charges (June 12), the US military broke cover and began to be cited across the US. This is a massive deployment across all 50 states. This is not National Guard under the command of the state governors. National Guard is now federalized, since 2020 they are part of the US military under the command of Commander in Chief of the US armed forces.
6 – His “job”…He sells placentas for $45,000 each.
He says you cannot sell yours, but the hospital can after they steal it from you. We live in a very sick twisted world. Hospitals sell your child to the state for about $5.000 by tricking you into the whole “birth certificate” scam.
7 – Dr. McCullough – More deaths from vaccines than the Civil War
8 – It’s a wonderful life for Brett Sutton, Katy Gallager, Dan Andrews.. and so many other leeches
Prior to the 1890s, there were no paid politicians…only people who had been successful in business and society and who gave back by volunteering to serve…….. today, we have professional leeches who suck up taxpayers’ money and live the good life
at 48 seconds in look at Koch kissing kid but the shape of the guy’s head … wow
9 – The Voice is not going so well
The Voice is very unpopular with those who understand it, the YES people when questioned about their understanding of the Uluru Statement do not understand it, and the LNP have failed dismally to explain the NO case. Australia is already divided by the Aboriginal industry, as it is obvious most politicians are ignorant of these facts that they should be out telling the people that Australia is being taken over silently. IF, the LNP does not get active and start telling the facts to the people, the community and internet voices say you will be in opposition for a long time, there is big swing away.
You cannot have a pseudo-opposition on the Voice, get in a fight against it, this is a last chance to show that you are a credible opposition who will fight for the people. This is not just a divide between white indigenous invaders and Australians — It is also a divide between the socialist ALP and LNP democracy. You either fight on the side of democracy against the socialism of the ALP or Australians will forever have a widening gap in the community that will escalate into future violence as it has in many communities.
Here is a very important map of the remaining land NOT claimed — Go and tell the people of Australia this fact and show them the map.
10 – Warning to parents of School Children
Shameful, unconscionable conduct by this Queensland school. Be on the alert, parents. Jasmine Guerrera Queensland Convoy Community 4 d WARNING ALL ROCHEDALE STATE HIGH SCHOOL PARENTS Last Friday 9th June the school nurse Dianne Waldron spoke publicly on parade to the entire school in regards to getting their next convid vaccine or booster shot. She stated to all students from yr 7-12 that they have done so well keeping up to date with their shots that sadly covid is going around again & that she doesn’t want anyone getting sick so to please get your next shot. Sue advised all students that they didn’t need their parents consent to do so & that they could come & see herself or a local doctor. Whilst I understand it is everyone’s choice at the end of the day, this nurse has breached the immunisation code section 2.1.3 of coercion, manipulation & pressure on children under the age of 18. I spoke to the principal of the school Mr Baxter on Monday 12th June to which he has ignored my concerns sadly.
I recently followed this up with the school nurse on Friday 16th June & gave her the amps paper, resources showing what is happening to our people who are suffering jab related injuries & many other resources to which she simply shut me down & demanded that I leave. This is not acceptable. I want to take this further & have her permanently removed from Rochedale state high school. I want to make this public as the fear mongering on our children is not ok. I am a mother of 3 kids who have attended this school & have never had a problem until convid came around. I want this to be shared & please raise your concerns to the school. The nurse is working at this school on Thursday’s & Fridays. Please email the school with your concerns, call the school to speak to the nurse Diane Waldron. (07) 33400.0400…mailto:principal This is just one school I’m aware of & im sure not many parents would be aware their child has been coerced.
11 – QFS…Tier 4B – How To Know If It Means You
Just In:
Gentlemen, good morning, we inform all the people involved in the Redemption that we are entering Radio Silence, FROM 6:00 PM TODAY, UNTIL TUESDAY 27 of this month, 6:00 PM, THERE WILL BE NO COMMUNICATION OF ANY KIND REGARDING PAYMENT among the participants or comments on this matter with anyone.
Lets start with Iraq – and a new rate coming out – which might have been today a higher one supposed to be published in the Gazette Saturday or Sunday. This the printed version Wednesday or Saturday – Now we know this much the new Dinar Rate and will start trading this Sunday on the Forex – about 4 – 5 pm Sunday EST. Good News .Otherwise everything else Iraq needed to do is done – including the ATM’s and rocking and rolling
The RC staff are on call for the next three days on a one hour notice – and from what I’ve heard we are looking for things to happen for us Saturday/Sunday or Monday for notifications. So for exchanges either Monday or Tuesday. Bond Holders (Historical Assets Bond Holders ed. by EVH) have got all their packages and they are only waiting for one thing that is the email with the new access code that they have access to that 1% of their total and they get that when we receive our notifications by email then they get that code and access and it’s going to be a TRULY SHOTGUN start for Everyone – all the other programmes and settlements – but with everybody on the same page including the Admirals groups and T4A & B – that’s great.
So I’ve talked generally about political change and most people I talk to say we need to see the result of the Brunson case litigation results and here is where we stand on that the SC is hearing the case yesterday and tomorrow and could have that decision by Saturday. Now if that happens what that does has major ramifications on the annulment of the 2020 elections. Some people say that has to happen and that what we want cannot happen till that happens. I think we have to continue to pray into this and that God makes everything right politically before this goes. But we are looking for something to happen and a major bank person said – this could go any minute now – but we might also need that decision and within 48 hours we should have our notifications.
The Dong rate is negotiable a top and end and the top rate is supposed to be about ten dollars below the IQD – so a ten dollar difference. I mentioned if all you have is Dinar you have the ability to negotiate – but only if you don’t have Zim because that rate is so high. So good news. Now Bruce is again talking about Sue and her projects.