2023/08/12th  – The “Voice” is ‘in the toilet’

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Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only… All items are the opinion of the authors

No apologies for the huge amount of info – it is a selected fraction of info sent to me – Thank you to contributors and anonymous donors.

The Sound of Freedom in Brisbane Coming to Hoyts Cinemas 24th August… https://www.hoyts.com.au/movies/sound-of-freedom

1a – Thank GOD For Your Colds and Flu, Let It Be

1b – Heart attack recovery  

1c – They sent lizard DNA in to 23 and me to be tested – the results.

1d – Covid Fake vaccines is murder


1e – 21 ‘vaccine’ facts in under 5 minutes


2a – Australian historian exposes Yunupingu


2b – Albo’s Voice to Parliament is ‘in the toilet’:


2c – Government must think Australians are ‘uniquely stupid’ to need misinformation bill


2d – Indigenous groups becoming increasingly angry – ‘fake Ab-originals’ are taking job$, grant$


2e – Albanese’s Voice/Treaty Link in 2 minutes


3 – Rod do not stop. Australian Traitor criminals – should be behind bars


4a – That is not even a good Biden mask this actor is wearing

4b – Famous last words of Executed at Gitmo

5a – Proof D J Trump Is Commander-In-Chief

5b – The Capitol Hill Tapes (41,000 hours of U.S. Capitol Police surveillance video)




6a – QFS News: How 7 Billion People Will Inevitably Transition to the QFS – Decoding QFS, Protocols 16 & 17


6b – The Final Stages of Military Operations is Taking Place. There is NO Coincidence


6c – Watch “Explosive New Cover-Up EXPOSED: White House Reacts in Panic” on YouTube


7 – US Ambassador Caroline Kennedy says Australia will be able to count on America

… as a reliable ally in a crisis even when Donald Trump returns to the White House, adding she is hopeful Congress will this year pass laws to allow the transfer of America’s most  sensitive military technology to Australia.



8b – Head of Largest China-US Immigration Agency Arrested


9a – Actual footage of DEWs in Hawaii

Several first responder friends down in Lahaina tonight. There are bodies all over town and in the water that have not been accounted for and reported yet. So many people never made it out. There are possibly hundreds dead and even more missing.”


9b – Tunnels In Maui

👉🏼 there are 6 tunnels in #Maui County, Hawaii. on a map, it looks like they are on fire.  

👉🏼 March of THIS YEAR, #Oprah Winfrey Buys a Big Chunk of Maui for Nearly $6.6 Million, adding to her collection of Maui properties. there’s reports that her house is in the fires path. Oprah’s land in upcountry near Kula has a huge underground facility with tones of concrete she has been building it for years.

👉🏼 #TomHanks is reported to own/ own a home in Maui also – along with Steven Tyler, Lars Ulrich, and Woody Harrelson. OR It’s just a coincidence?

10a – Who is Q and What is Q  

10b – It’s Here – Quantum Gold At ATM’s In Malaysia, at least.

From a member   Just heard from my Military contact we are waiting on Trump’s GA indictment.  Hence why everything is on hold

Wolverine 🇦🇺 🇦🇺, 12/08/2023 Rod Steel on PPN tonight said prisoner swap happened today

Wolverine 🇦🇺 🇦🇺, 12/08/2023 TNT Tony said the hold up is the Iranian prisoner swap.

Wolverine 🇦🇺 🇦🇺, 12/08/2023 so if this is the case, looks like the swap was done so the holdup should be over??

Wolverine 🇦🇺 🇦🇺, 12/08/2023 Patriot Rod on PPN said prisoner swap was completed and Iran got the $10B funds unfrozen… he implied on podcast was look to this weekend… FOREX opens Sun@5p edt

Wolverine 🇦🇺 🇦🇺, 12/08/2023 Hi Wolverine, one of our members here in SA daughter and her friend have been abducted on Thursday,  now the kidnappers demanded a ransom for their release. Please ask everyone to pray for their safety. Thank you sir.

Wolverine 🇦🇺 🇦🇺, 12/08/2023 Steele’s info was good and matched with the info Dallas has been told.  In addition, Steele said earlier this wk that he is hearing the US would announced being gold backed/asset backed PRIOR to BRICS on Aug 22 (perhaps by a couple of days).

Wolverine 🇦🇺 🇦🇺, 12/08/2023 Please don’t put smiley emojis on a subject so serious about someone being abducted . I don’t think it’s a laughing matter.


10c – Posted by Wolverine – 12 Aug

Military in training for Implementation of the Emergency Broadcast System

* This will ensure everyone is safely placed in their home and able to witness the historical moment that reveals all of the truths, cover ups etc. through the E B S which is imminent.

* There must be a test and then a review of all occurrences and activities. The possible implications on a National and Global level can be quite complicated so things must be in alignment to the protocols. Yes there are many consequences if things aren’t done with precision and perfection. This is the practice run before the real one folks to see responses and accuracy to what is forthcoming which changes humanity.

* We hear the schedule is now finally firm, but again I’m just the messenger. Be ready to adjust if needed in regards to possible time changes. Only a select few know the moment of exact and precise timing of events. For security and other obvious reasons it must be properly kept private.

* The E B S  is going to air playing an 8 hour video. It will be replaying 3 times a day for 10 days Communication Darkness. During those 10 Days of Communication Darkness the following things will happen.

* We will receive 7 “Trumpets “ aka E B S  text messages on our phones alerting us to tune into our TV at this time.

* Our phones will only work for 911 and we are informed the Signal App, which is military encrypted will be available.

* Our internet will not work during that time. Our ATM’s will not work. After the 10 days of Communication Darkness, we will connect to a new quantum internet.

* People are urged to stock up on at least three weeks of food and water. Be prepared with food, water, toilet paper, generators etc. for this great awakening reveal.

* We are promised the new Star-link Internet System by the end of the month.

* As we speak the teams coordinating this important historic event are revamping the E.B.S to ensure the utmost security for all involved so remain patient as things get finalized. They want to make certain there are not any interferences of any sort at all. Those making the plan want no one to panic whatsoever because it’s simply the release of the truth.

* After the E B S  and we’ve gone through the 10 days mainstream media blackout and sat through all the 24/7, (eight hours long movies), do we go back to normal like business as usual? Answer is: After E B S  and the 8 hours long 24 7, movies all will change. The, life support, attached to the old and evil systems will be pulled. Humanity, and planet Earth simultaneously move to quantum reality consciousness system (Peace and Prosperity). End of Financial and Human consciousness enslavement. Old systems of Government, Education , Finance, Health, Trade and Commerce etc., will all be dismantled and replaced.  

* We will have new currency called the USN  US NOTE and gold backed.  

* The time is now to alert as many who will listen. Do not have too much pride. Go warn those you love even though they think you’re crazy. Your goal for others is truly to help absorb the shock of what is coming.

11 – The Invisible War – DUMBs, especially all over Australia


There is heaps more – Search this site for DUMBS especially all across Australia

End of Post

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