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Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only… All items are the opinion of the authors. A selected fraction of articles sent to me – Thank you contributors and ye anonymous donors.
1a – There is only one way the Yes Voice can win
and that is with the 2023 referendum being criminally defrauded. ‘NO’ will certainly win the vote but we cannot guarantee that we will win the count.
Re- read item 11 on
and Item 4a on
1b – Jacinta – a quick final message
2a – The Voice’ will destroy Australia
2b – The Misleading PM Albo
The PM deliberator mislead us with his ‘only one page’ Uluru Statement when it is 26 pages, he further mislead us with his ‘It is only an advisory body’: He never told us if the advice was not accepted and acted on they would use millions of your taxpayers fund in the High Court to force acceptance of their advice, because the referendum would allow them to do so. There is no sunset clause saying if the advice is not accepted that advice is null and void and cannot be taken further.
“If you don’t understand it don’t vote for it and if you do understand it, you’d never vote for it,” Paul Keating.
3a – Who is the real Donald Trump – surprises
3b – Trump at the UN – (not sure when)
3c – Show called “Disjointed” was cancelled soon after this scene was broadcast.
4 – Not all cops are bad
5a – Israel war update
5b – Club of Rome BS from 1973
In 1980 I exposed the Club of Rome at the 25min mark on
6 – Notice to Churches – Why do you use the pagan Greek name for our Hebrew Messiah?
His correct Hebrew name is Yahoshua. Son of Yahweh. There is no J in the Hebrew language and Jesus = yah=zeus. There was no man named Jesus . That name was made up by Constantine and Paul and the true Yahoshua name was removed from the scriptures by the jooz. The Dead Sea Scrolls prove this to be true and Dr Joseph Jeffers’ research proves it so. If you are a true Hebrew Israelite use the Hebrew names
with no J in the correct spelling as in the Book of Yahweh, not the Anglo Bible. I am a Hebrew and my true Hebrew name is Yudith – not Judith. Time to examine our true roots and be proud of who we truly are
7a – Military Occupancy means EVERYTHING was planned.
7b – Red October has Started – Benjamin Fulford
7c – Astronomical events in October – what doth it mean ?
October 2 = Andromeda Galaxy is well placed
October 9 = peak of the draconid meteor shower
October 10 = peak of the southern taurid meteor shower
October 11 = peak of the Aurigid meteor shower
October 14 = annular solar eclipse
October 15 = triangulum Galaxy is well placed
October 18th = Eris at opposition
October 21 = peak of the orionid meteor shower
October 28 = partial lunar eclipse
8 – Leaked video from Israel shows …
the editor giving instructions to the journalists and the cameraman where to film, where to lie down, how to breathe, how scared they should be, how to amplify the sound of shelling, etc. While there is nothing around them, they pretend that they are in the middle of shelling.
9 – Singapore – Vax propaganda at another level
10a – Why do they sacrifice Babies
10b – Satanic Catholic Pope give blessing for same sex marriage
11 – Israeli Rabbi Calls Hamas Attack “Inside Job”
12 – A Decent Perth Man confronts Mayor.
How many people do we need to do similar