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Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only… All items are the opinion of the authors. A selected fraction of articles sent to me – Thank you contributors and ye anonymous donors.
1 – Aboriginal names for Melbourne streets
and roads PLUS tourist attractions. How much more stupid can this country become, Mellbourne Council wants to rename its roads, streets, and public places with aboriginal words.
2 – The US Debt Clock: A Shocking Revelation
3a – Since 1973, More than 60 Million Babies…
Since 1973, More than 60 Million Babies Have Been Slaughtered in the United States, and the American People Don’t Want that to STOP any Time Soon. There Is No Way That America Will Survive If We Stay On This Path
3b – Forced Nasal Swabs at American Airports
New Biosecurity Measures The swabs are poisoned.
3c – MMR Vaccine; put millions of children at risk
the cover up of autism
3d – Blackrock implants chips into 50 people
4a – Victoria – Record Numbers of Cardiac Arrests
4b – The convid injections are damaging hearts – and they continue to say it’s from Covid
What a spin they have for this question
4c – AHPRA preventing doctors explaining risks
5a – Is Pfizer heading for bankruptcy?
Pfizer says that it must conduct layoffs and budget cuts because profits are so low due to what CEO Albert Bourla calls “Covid fatigue.” The CDC estimates that only 2% of Americans have received the most recent Covid booster shot. While $70 billion does not seem all that bad for a profit report, consider that Pfizer made over $100 billion last year from Covid products. Could this spell bankruptcy for Pfizer on the heals of recent revelations of accused wrongdoing?
5b – UK – Is Astra Zeneca Defective ?
Let’s remember Govco said these were safe and effective… aaaaaaaand quietly removed them when so many people were injured or worse. “A multimillion-dollar legal case levelled at British pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca has claimed the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine administered in millions of people was “defective”. The landmark High Court case was initiated by UK father Jamie Scott, who suffered a permanent brain injury from a blood clot after receiving the vaccine in April 2021. Another claim has been brought by the widower of Alpa Tailor, who died after developing blood clots on her brain post-vaccination. The 35-year-old mother said she had chosen to get the jab to “protect her family”
5c – Marine Kenneth O’Keefe puts BBC in their place and mops the FLOOR with truth and makes her choke on it.
6a – Trump pulls out the PROOF in Court. Checkmate Scumbags
6b – 2 courts have now dismissed the attempts to keep Trump off election ballots.
No merit. No proof or due process that Jan 6 was an insurrection and that Trump participated in such an insurrection. Due process.
6c – The DOJ has confirmed an ongoing investigation…
into politicians and Big news – where will it go, under the rug ?
7a – Tribunals going on right now
Jan Halper has been accused of being “associated” with the Fabian Society – a tactic used by all Freemasons is to falsely accuse a whistle blower of anything, and state it in the newspaper, which is controlled by them.
7b – Treason Documented
Jan Halper-Hayes burst onto the scene in the United States recently with her revelation supporting the idea that that the white hats “have it all” in reference to the stolen 2020 election which implanted the traitor known as “Joe Biden”.
8 – DUMBs for newbies
9 – Town Voted Out its Entire Government – Over their Plans to Build a Chinese Electric Car Battery Plant
10a – Canaanite Jew joyfully teaches Non Jews will cease to exist
10b – Another Jew Rabbi says it all
10c – Clair Daley UK Parliament – The Zionist Project is over
10d – Why does Israel Govt support Pedophelia
11a – Penny Wong Goes Missing In Action On Middle East Trip
Though it is hard to contemplate in the wake of the brutal terrorist attacks by Hamas of October 7, and the maelstrom of human tragedy engulfing Israel and Gaza, it may prove that the current Israel-Hamas war forms the last chapter in the long-running Arab-Israeli conflict in the Middle East.
Israel-Hamas war: Penny Wong goes missing in action on Middle East | The Australian
11b – There is NO Basis for Extreme Weather Predictions.
The Australian Department of Treasury website states that extreme weather events are expected to occur with increased frequency and severity. I asked Treasury what sources they had based this prediction on and was informed that it was consistent with the government-stated position on climate change and climate action. Yet the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 6th Assessment Report on the Science says there have been no detectable increase in the number of natural disasters. It summarises the available scientific evidence on the signal of natural disasters and finds no change in signals for weather-related events, including river flood, rain in terms of heavy precipitation, landslide, drought, fire, wind speed, tropical cyclone, relative, sea level, coastal flood and marine heat wave.
The Minister was not prepared to take my question on notice regarding their source of empirical scientific data.
11c – Political treachery within the Labor Party.
Meet the “secret rebels” plotting behind Albo’s back
12 – Bad news for the EU – Rob Rooken – MEP EU Digital Identity
13a – Mark Z – Military lady says they want it done by the 11th.
13b – Iraqi Dinar🔥Iraqi Dinar RV Rate Settled🔥New Rate Announcement Today🔥iraqi dinar news🔥RV update
14 – Tamarind – to remove Fluoride from your body
15 – Everyone dies but not everyone really lives
You cannot go back & try to fix your mistakes – BUT you can start now & make a brand new ending