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Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only… All items are the opinion of the authors. A selected fraction of articles sent to me – Thank you contributors
1 – Sweden Dec 31
What do we see in the sky of Kiruna / Giron / Kieruna? The world’s most versatile space centre is located in this area
2 – Somewhere in Paris on a Metro underpass
A few Arab Migrants were doing what they do best … “Taharrush” (roughly translates to mass molestation of women) Unfortunately for these Arabs, these 3 women were all serving in the French para-military.… I had to replay it several times in order to catch all the action
3a – Why new engine emission rules introduced just before Christmas will change Australia’s most popular utes, SUVs and 4WDs forever
3b – Wayne Glew – We the people are the ONLY authority in Australia
3c – How the True Law works
3c – Australia was the most successful testing ground for the planned tyranny. – But Gates is supposed to be dead now ?
3d – 800 Years of Magna Carta
4a – Japan’s Next-Generation Humanoid Robots…
4b – Top 5 Humanoid ROBOTS of 2024 . ssshhh
5a – Israel – the most evil state ever – Max Igan
5b – Setting up White Gentiles for Genocide
5c – NT News – nothing has changed since
6a – Babies were sold as PRODUCTS in the 1900s
6b – Pencil sharpeners from 1890s
6c – Doors for giants ??
7a – Storms, weather control and Health – compilation
Climate change or 3 letter agencies changing the climate? In Arizona is very obvious when the blue skies get barraged with the nonsense. These agencies believe if they block out the sun they are saving the “planet”…Research the weather modification act of 1976 and 1979.
7b – Flat Earth v Globe on MSM – compilation
8a – The Iraqi Dinar.. Ariel thinks we’re seeing a green light
8B – Silver certificate From the Treasury, not the Federal Reserve
I don’t understand the date, 1957 B, anyone any ideas??
8b – Gesara’s History and timeline – 31 Dec
2024 will go down in history as the year Market Corrections took place across the world. Mortgage rates drop for the ninth week in a row. Mortgages are going down, and inflation is going up. And still, people cannot afford housing. These are the things that work into the favoor of a Global Currency Reset. Confirmation from a second bank in a southern state. They are expecting currency revaluation next week and are prepping for exchanges. Intel drop: Banks are counting cash today and tomorrow to be shipped off in exchange for Rainbow currency. Keep an eye out for trucks at the bank branches today and tomorrow.
US DOLLARS are no longer accepted at the majority of Mexican retailers. Multiple Financial Executives Commit Suicide Amid China’s Financial Crisis. In 2023, at least 96 Chinese financial executive have fallen from grace, and 38 people have been investigated in the five major state-owned banks. As the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) continues to purge its financial system, state media recently revealed that a number of bank executives have committed suicide or died suddenly. More. “Banks control Governments”… Seems as though light is exposing what has been hiding…
BRICS GESARA Nations Alliance: Russia and Iran have finalized an agreement to trade in their local currencies instead of the U.S dollar, Iran’s state media has reported. Both countries are subject to U.S. sanctions. “Banks and economic actors can now use infrastructures including non-SWIFT interbank systems to deal in local currencies,” Iran’s state media has declared. China and Russia have almost completely abandoned the US dollar in bilateral trade as the push to de-dollarize intensifies.
More than 90% of trade between the two nations is done with either the yuan or the Ruble. Amid the greater de-dollarization plan for the BRICS bloc, and overall digitization of finance, 130 nations are all moving toward a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) which could leave the US dollar at risk. Subsequently, the BRICS currency, which is likely to be announced in the coming year, could only add to the international pressure facing the greenback. More. Rainbow currency coming. It will possibly be a basket of BRICS sovereign currencies on a 1:1 basis, all gold/commodity-backed, time will tell…
As countries around the world move away from the petrodollar, the United States risks losing its influence. About 20% of the world’s oil has been bought and sold in other currencies this year, according to the Wall Street Journal. A number of large countries are trying to reduce their dependence on the dollar and for this reason are trying to trade raw materials without using them. This situation became especially aggravated after the introduction of tough sanctions against Russia. Moscow changed and began to look for alternative financial channels. The WSJ acknowledges that other countries took this as a warning that the US could do the same to them in the future. As a result, these countries have increased oil trading in alternative currencies. China, India and a number of other countries are happy to buy Russian oil, usually at a good discount. It is also interesting that countries such as Brazil, the UAE and even Saudi Arabia are planning to follow this path. See. From 1 January it will be the start of the Currency Battle of Armageddon which will result in the imploding of the Cabal financial system!!
Vietnam has joined BRICS. Dong Dong Dong! Source PPNSouth Africa’s envoy says BRICS is set to double as Saudi Arabia, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia, and Egypt will join on January 1. Here comes 2024!
Disclaimer – I inform, you choose. In this library we don’t give false hope or news for sensation. The info we share is based on reality. Allan K