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Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only. All items are the opinion of the authors. Thank you all for your support to maintain the operation of this site and welcome to many new subscribers daily
1a – Magna Carta and Great Britain
Most Western Nation have Magna Carta in their Constitutions
1b – If I was the deep state
1c – Judge dismisses classified documents case against Donald Trump
All of the indictments against Trump are by Democrat prosecutors. All of them including Russia hoax, FISA warrants, 2 impeachments, Jan 6 committee, 2 indictments by Garland/Smith, James, Willis, Bragg, 30 attempts to keep Trump off ballots. SCOTUS just ruled that there was no insurrection on Jan 6, that no one attempted to overthrow the USA government, and that Jan 6 protestors have been held with unconstitutional loss of due process
2a – Delegates from all 50 states vote for former president Donald Trump Republican nominee for president
The headline is enough watch all 55 mins if you want
2b – The old J D Vance
3a – Tucker Carlson – Insights on J.D. Vance
3b – Tucker with Trump

3c – Protected by God ?
4a – Trump should get Secret Service to protect R F Kennedy + others
4b – Supreme Court

5 – Joe can’t even say it
6 – Honest Govt Advert for Australia – AI AI
7a – Free Electricity
7b – Aluminium Foil
7c – Smart Meters – you have been warned
Print this and put in your meter box

8a – XRP is ready for the QFS
8b – ISO20022 is now a world wide Standard.
The BRICS intrabank payment system was launched. The QFS, NESARA and GESARA redemption process has begun!
- Around the world we will receive seven Trumpets (also known as EBS text messages) on our phones, alerting us to what is happening and encouraging us to tune in to our television and radio.
- Phones around the world will only work for 911 calls, but we can get a military signal app that will protect phones for regular use via the new Star Link satellite system and quantum computer.
- Worldwide the Internet and ATMs will not work during the ten days.
- The documentaries will cover topics such as prisons, courts, fraud, corruption, pedophilia.
After the Ten Days of Darkness in Communications, all phones, televisions, radios and computers around the world will be connected to the new Quantum Internet running on the secure Starlink satellite system. All people in the world will be called to Redemption Centres where we will receive NESARA/GESARA payments, be able to exchange and redeem our currency and Zim and open secure bank accounts (identified by our own body rhythms) through the new Quantum System. Banks will no longer have access to our money. From now on, all voting around the world will be done through our phones and computers through the new secure Quantum system. No more electoral fraud.
8c – Basel 4 ‘Will Be Quite Benign For Australian Banks’
There are growing expectations among those close to the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision that a deal reducing the variability in how banks model for risk could be finalised as early as next week.
8d – Regulator Finds Banks Charged 150,000 Low Income Australians $6 Million In Fees
Bank customers on low incomes will receive over $28 million after a review found four major Australian banks systemically charged high fees to those who could least afford it.