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1a – Cash withdrawal answers
1b – Smart Glasses warning
1c – Polish MEP Grzegorz Braun delivers one of the greatest speeches against Israel
2a – TAMPA Florida after Hurricane Milton hit
A miracle happened, the CORE of the Hurricane split in before it hit land, greatly reducing it severity… A problem with the last Hurricane Helene they did not have enough technical workers, linesman to restore lines communication. Elon Musk bought Starlink to the rescue effort. They were more prepared this time. TRUMP had also offered free accommodation to 275 qualified trade workers who came from other STATES of USA.
2b – Trump’s Election odds surge suddenly
3a – Hurricane Milton – Cat 5 to Cat 1 in 30 mins
God used the White Hats ? to destroy pedo Disney tunnels
3b – All Disney World tunnels – destroyed.
Child rescue operation will be announced soon. Join Ezra A. Cohen (https://t.me/ezra_cohen_q)
3c – Disney World tunnels flooded
4a – Perhaps FEMA may be buying properties….
…. located above where tunnels were dug beneath them to attempt to keep a lid on their nefarious activities as a part of their belief that they will prevail. Could that be the real reason?After all, it seems they believe they have unlimited funds, at least until they are shut down.
FEMA is quietly paying private security firms massive amounts of money to keep Floridians from returning to their homes and businesses after a hurricane. The evacuation orders are more than just precautionary—they’re part of a larger plan to lock people out of the state. Delta Force is advising FEMA, preparing enforcement tactics that could involve force if necessary. With tensions expected to rise as displaced residents try to return, FEMA is said to be scrambling to get enough armed personnel on the ground. It’s a planned depopulation for land grab and destruction for reconstruction into smart cities. You think Dessantis is not part of that? 🤣 He is 100%. Deep Fake Dessantis. FOLLOW AWAKENING NEWS: 👉 https://t.me/greatawakeningworld Secrets to Escape the Matrix: https://greatawakening.io

4b – 400 children per day
4c – Branson seems a bit scared ?
5a – A town in Michigan dissolved their corrupt government…
6a – Strategy to expose DNA contamination of the injections
Hi Marilyn and Fraser, – I think this suggestion to inform our local councils of the letter that Russell Broadbent MP has sent to the PM exposing the harm caused by COVID injections is very good. Perhaps we could forward this letter to our freedom community and ask everyone to educate their councillors on this issue. Here is Julian Gillespie’s suggestion and action in Port Hedland.
6b – And the senseless Bird Flu culling begins
Bird Flu Variant BS247 wonder what the BS stands for ?
6c – ‘Jail time’ – PM’s Misinformation Laws
Ben Fordham 2GB Sydney – Experts are raising the alarm because the full extent of the changes are largely unknown.
7a – Breast Cancer Cure 50 Cents
7b – The biolab whistleblower.. he ended up dead hours later
8 – Restored Republic 11Oct
Hollywood heavyweight drops Trump bombshell – You Won’t Believe What’s Coming Play @1.5
9a – Amazing cars – where are they now ?
9b – Who remembers – oldies play station
Start at the bottom – Roll the dice – move along how many points – land on a snake’s heat = go to its tail – land on a ladder to climb up – first to the top wins