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Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only. All items are the opinion of the authors. Thank you all for your support to maintain the operation of this site and welcome to many new subscribers daily. Special thanks to anonymous donors
As an Australian, I acknowledge and pay my respects to the British, European, Asians and Elders past and present, who introduced and adopted civil society, respect for law, respect for other people and prosperity to Australia.
1a – Their constant lying…
is not aimed at…making the people believe a lie, but at ensuring that no one believes anything anymore. A people that can no longer distinguish between truth and lies cannot distinguish between right and wrong. And such a people, deprived of the power to think and judge, is, without knowing and willing it, completely subjected to the rule of lies. With such a people, you can do whatever you want.”
1b – The news in pictures – 15,000 killer migrants

1c – Greater Israel and America’s Holy War
2a – Rudolf Steiner – medical genius

2b – Dr. Suzanne Humphries:
“Doctors aren’t taught about vaccines in medical school.”
2c – The PCR test was never designed for testing Covid or anything except human cloning
2d – “The mRNA-based Covid “vaccines” were designed… to harm, maim and kill, and to reduce human fertility.”
Dr. Mike Yeadon, former vice president at Pfizer
3a – President Trump 4 April 2020 – promoted Hydroxychloroquine
He really did plead with everyone! He basically begged! Only some of us listened. They made sure this clip didn’t see the light of day on MSM that’s for sure!
3b – What WI-FI does to your blood…..
3c – Vaxxed 3 – full movie
Save this and watch in sections
3d – 102 yrs old – no smartass phone
4a – Q Phone or Pi phone – Blessing or curse ?
Say goodbye to all our ‘spy phones’. Then we can get rid of those ugly and dangerous cell towers everywhere. The Q phone has been developed and manufactured in Germany and the UK with final software updates in the US. This smartphone is three-dimensional and of the highest quality. It will become one of the main credit tools and most urgent expenditures in daily life for retail consumption and domestic and international commercial business. and is a subserver to exploit and maintain the quantum system with Stellar + Starlink. This is a $500 billion manufacturing operation in three countries. And some other countries like Japan.. They are built in various warehouses around the world. Q phones will be delivered free of charge to everyone in the world. This Quantum Space Q Phone will be used for internet connectivity…texting and calling…banking…voting and more. It has a 3D interactive holographic display. (watch video) QFS will create a private Internet network running on triple code and perhaps an 8G network for SATCOM.Join, it’s not too late! 👇 https://t.me/Official_MrPool
4b – Graham Hodsdon – your QFS money
5a – Trump and the QFS
In 2018 as President, Trump signed the QFS EO, but now he’s highlighting the meeting on Oct 10 2024 – waiting for it to begin – won’t be long !!
5b – Gold and Silver – what’s it worth ?
6a – Lithium-ion batteries – in electric vehicles.
Is it any surprise that ferry companies and underground car parks are banning EVs, insurance companies are refusing to insure them, and EV owners are struggling to sell them on the second-hand market?
6b – Sodium Bicarbonate – Baking Soda miracles
6c – McDonald’s and Human Meat
7 – King Charles – Australian visit

8a – The NSW Police are ‘REVOLTING’
8b – Police officer buys wheelchair for a young man he kept seeing on the street in need of one.
8c – 25 yrs jail for child sex abusers

9 – Italian Scientist guarantees the Shroud of Turin Is REAL
10 – Hitler and “anti-semitism”