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1 – News in pics

2a – Bill Cooper warned us 20 years ago
2b – The Jew/Zionist World Order
3a – SA Court Constitution could be disinformation – Tim Dwyer
3b – Republican Movements New Campaign
We already have a local Rep = the GG – but she is an aggressive leftie
4a – Mayhem with Mel Oct 16
4b – October Update from Wyatt
Listen carefully about Harris ok @ 1.25 speed

4c – And here it is,
THE ARIZONA SENATE AUDIT OF THE 2020 GENERAL ELECTION, CONFIRMS BEYOND THE SHADOW OF A DOUBT Donald J. Trump is the duly elected President of the United States.
4d – Harris Walz phone call
5a – Netflix Pulls Documentary on root canals causing Cancers after Dentists threatened to sue
5b – 16,000 border patrol officers for Trump
This means that the National Fraternal Order of Police, Firemen, and the Border Officers have all endorsed Trump. So what does that say about their opinions of Trump vs Harris on crime, security, and the border? Don’t take my word for it — take Kamala Harris’. There are two sources that offer a detailed look at her likely approach to immigration issues, freely available to anyone who cares to look. The first are the bills related to immigration enforcement that Harris herself wrote or co-sponsored during her four years in the Senate. There’s no need to read between the lines here, nor can these be dismissed as off-the-cuff comments pandering to the audience du jour. If Harris’ “values” haven’t changed, as she insists, her legislation offers a detailed outline of how she would put those values into practice. . . . . . . . . . . THAT IS OF COURSE, IF THERE IS AN ELECTION
5c – Kansas to go after Pfizer
6 – Stop celebrating Halloween
Hi all, a friend of mine in Coffs has put this flyer together if anyone is interested in helping to deter Halloween, which is dark and sinister. Many thanks Annie
7a- Hitler’s financial miracle
Many know about this but it is good that young people are waking up
7b – NCashOfficial – Daily Crypto & Finance News
Long and not easy to follow how the banks are trying to stop QFS – Play as fast as you want