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1 – New York City Christmas – a good Mayor ?
2a – Trump has no choice but to…pretend to be pro-zionist (for now) …. he knows what he is up against . . LISTEN CAREFULLY
Agents from the Mossad and CIA are posing as popular truth channels, to manipulate you Great video by David Sorensen. It needs to be seen to bring more understanding of the dark moves being played. We need to know all the angles. See what resonates and accept or dismiss accordingly. David has been such a continuing light. His has been the ONLY website and material that has been STANDARDLY blocked and rejected every time by internet censorship for years, He has been heavily attacked personally.
The Democrat’s loss should serve well at informing us of just how hard and evil the left will fight to recover the power they lost in nominating a “village idiot” like Kamala Harris. She spent $1 Billion on the campaign and still owes $20m in wages.
1. shock and denial. Clearly Democrats were shocked that they lost so much especially after the left wing media led everyone to believe that Harris would win and then denied that their candidate and programs were to blame.
2. anger, fighting against the truth. this is where most liberals are now.
3. understanding. how did this happen? Will they understand that 70% of Americans felt that the USA was headed in the wrong direction under Biden/Harris?
4. acceptance and change. will liberals have what is takes to change their approaches and direction? will they learn to put America first and stop all the globalist, WOKE, race, and secular crap?
2b – Is JFK Snr still alive – been in a med-bed ??
3a – The QI Storm – Dutch political commentator
Eva Vlaardingerbroek: At the behest of globalist institutions, governments are deliberately creating food shortages as a means of seizing control, including the potential for food and energy rationing via digital ID. “What better way to control people than to control what they eat and when they can eat?”
3b – Abortion-Climate change connection
Dutch political commentator, Eva Vlaardingerbroek: Climate cultists are having abortions because this is “no world to bring a child into because of the dangers of climate change.” On the plus side, at least they won’t be polluting the gene pool with the ‘unhinged, easily brainwashed, eco-zealot’ gene – https://www.steynonline.com/13469/the-state-censor-and-the-harm-it-does
4a – Who is keeping your smart phone working ?
Cobalt is a key ingredient in the rechargeable batteries used in electric vehicles, raising serious ethical concerns about Net Zero policies which promote the use of electric vehicles. Around 40,000 child slaves work in the extremely hazardous conditions of Congo’s cobalt mining industry, which produces 72% of the world’s cobalt.
4b – Smartass phone suicide
The wheels of the Orwellian digital transformation “Great Reset” are being set in motion. PLEASE – Do not assist in bringing it on –
5a – What is – “Sustainable development”
It is Orwellian doublespeak for the United Nations plan, also known as Agenda 21, to create widespread food and energy scarcity—and thereby a dependent neo-feudal peasant class—under the guise of “saving the environment”. Keep using your smartass devices to ensure this happens.
5b – Do they know what they are doing ?
Dr Dietrich Klinghardt
5c – Another MAD Bill – to kill the bees
6a – Hounds of hell – Robots gonna getcha
6b – Why you must (not) use your smart devices
Will there come a time when we never need to leave the house?”, the Telegraph primes the normies for life in their new “smart” open air prison cities, as intended by the UN’s 2030 agenda. All presented as a wonderful utopian paradise, of course.
7a – First $4,999 flying car that changes everything
7b – The future of electric vehicles
8a – Bug milk and ice cream – Yummy
8b – Melania Trump’s diet
Melania is the only First Lady to be a former lingerie model and is certainly one of the most glamorous. But how does she keep her figure so trim for the whole time? What are her diet secrets? The former First Lady admitted that she loves fruit and tries to eat at least seven pieces of fruit a day in order to take care of her body, a habit she kept when she was modelling in New York. She also sticks to fresh and organic ingredients and manages to eat her daily target with her love of smoothies.
9a – The elite’s biggest fear
You – refusing to comply and you ditching the Digital ID and devices. Hopefully Trump & co will defund them all – WEF and UN etc
9b – Weekend sport – getting rid of 5G towers
9c – Someone was looking for this video ?
Call me if it was you
10 – Hebraeorum gens
Pope Pius V issued a papal bull on this date in 1569, Hebraeorum gens (The Jewish Race), which expelled Jews from much of Italy and France. “The Jewish people fell from the heights because of their faithlessness and condemned their Redeemer to a shameful death,” it began. “Their godlessness has assumed such forms that, for the salvation of our own people, it becomes necessary to prevent their disease.” Within ninety days, all Jews “in our entire earthly realm of justice — in all towns, districts, and places” — were ordered to depart or be enslaved. Jews were able to take refuge in the slums of Rome and Verona, where the bull never took effect, but several thousand were forced into exile. The towns of Ravenna, Orvieto, Viterbo, Perugia, Spoleto, and Terracina were emptied of Jews, and the Papal States lost numerous entrepreneurs, craftsmen, merchants, and professionals.
“They allure the unsuspecting through magical incantations, superstition, and witchcraft to the Synagogue of Satan and boast of being able to predict the future. We have carefully investigated how this revolting sect abuses the name of Christ and how harmful they are to those whose life is threatened by their deceit.” —Pius V (canonized in 1712)
11 – The Satanists show their hand with fake Trump cabinet
18 Nov 2024 – Benjamin Fulford is saying that it is a fake DT at Mar a Largo and so are the appointments apart from Kennedy

12a – President Trump: The [WHO].. corrupt Globalist scam..
12b – US Border: Democrats plan on leaving the border wide open until Donald Trump takes office
12c – Trump National Emergency – Vaxxed are dropping like flies

13 – For your Smart Meter Box
Before they install – Put this inside your glass door lockable meter box – so they can still read your meter

14- Stew Peters announces ‘Occupied’ film exposing the Zionist takeover of America’s government
Stew does a brilliant job of identifying the fake Israel and all that goes with it – He should see Item 2a – Trump is not the Saviour of the World – I believe he is a wise and decent man and if he is really chosen by God, then good will prevail and we shall be given a reprieve as promised in 2 Chronicles 7:14