2024/12/09th  –  Silent Night like never before

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1a – Silent Night

1b – Weather modification by artificial satellites

Chemtrails no longer needed


2a – Gold Coast underground explosion

Just the first minute


2b – Bovier in milk – a false flag and we fell for it


3 – Bendigo bank is collaborating with the CBA….

Bendigo Bank + Commonwealth Bank are missing from the ISO 20022 members list = they are not compliant ?



4a – AFP establishes antisemitism taskforce after Melbourne synagogue attack – here we go again


4b – What is Anti-Semitism ?

5 – Pedophile Satanist psyop gatekeeper actor Roseanne Barr in plain sight

Her ‘Black Eye’ ‘Club’…. And what else is going on in Pedowood?

6a – Stew Peters is onto it 

Note – Bashar al-Assad opposed the Joo bankers for decades – he had to go

6b – Notre Dame Antichrist Appears at Ceremony…

Watch as the Golden Age Ritual at Notre Dame in Paris Shocks the World.  Rome’s bishops and priests conduct a symbolic “rebirth” ceremony in honour of the sun god of Babylon on the evening of the “immaculate conception” feast. Pope Francis delivers a message of One World Religion and Unity as the agenda moves forward. Not everyone in attendance may know what is going on here but I hope these discernment videos help people to see the deception of the false Luciferian philosophy, which has its roots in Babylon. 

The prototype of the Antichrist Nimrod being venerated here only shows the reality that the Lord Jesus Christ is the One and Only Saviour of those who would repent and believe on Him. The only way to be reconciled to God is through faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins. This world is on the path to hell and the only way to be saved is through the Gospel. (Read John 3:16)

6c – The Ceremony – Surrender of Cabal Leaders to Donald Trump

Clearly, what just happened in Syria has to be part of the movie being scripted by White Hat  Productions, a likely “replay” of things that would have happened had the Cabal had its way.  As for the specific purpose and endgame of this particular scene — following other scripted scenes  such as the October 7, 2023 “Hamas raid” and “kidnappings” in Israel, the subsequent “wars” in Gaza and Lebanon, and the “missile” exchanges between Iran and Israel etc — that remains unclear. But we do have some theories which we’ll keep to ourselves until the inevitably illuminating passage of times clears things up a bit. It always does.

Despite the doom and gloom clickbait videos from wannabe prophets, Trump cannot be the Anti-Christ – he is too old. Christ will come when it is His right time at the end of the tribulation and “rapture” His people – so best ye be prepared as were the 10 wise virgins in Matt 25. 1-13.

7a – Putin Response to Trump’s BRICS Sanctions

Note – @ 2mins 30s  Putin says he never heard Trump say it


7b – Benjamin Fulford 12.8.24 – Trump’s mass arrests begin now

The sound was very lownow fixed but a small loss of pic quality you cannot speed it up https://rumble.com/v5xaenz-benjamin-fulford-12.8.24-trumps-mass-arrests-begin-now.html?

8a – USA govt issued 520 page Coronavirus Pandemic official COVID-19 Pandemic report.  

This report is the official US Govt Select Committee report into the Pandemic, released on 2nd Dec 2024. It took over 2 years to do and is a 520 page document that covers corruption and mishandling. An excellent start.  It does not cover the side effects/deaths. Everything is being done on a gradient to lessen the shock and impact on humanity. And now videos are circulating about a far worse pandemic coming How do they know ?? fear tactics cos the public know the last one was fake causing lockdowns and masks etc

8b – Video pointing out key corruption in Govt Pandemic report 

End of Post

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