2024/5/18th – Hurry up and wait

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I am tired of so many doom + gloom items being sent to me – The Digital ID and how we will all be slaves etc. I suspect they are being produced by the Deep State to instil fear into everyone who believes it is all inevitable, just the way the Israelites were in fear when facing the Red Sea crossing – Moses did not part the red Sea and drown the Deer State (Egypt) – God did and he provided Moses as a leader. We pray the Q movement will remove the DS agenda. Nothing is inevitable – 2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV) if my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. And Jesus told us exactly when he will return in Matt 24.14

I do not know this man ↓ ↓ He speaks of Matt 24

It has been reported on Telegram that Obama has been arrested and taken to Gitmo – no video – what can we believe ? And here is the latest from Judy Byington – hurry up and wait

1 – Restored Republic  via a GCR as of May 17, 2024


2 – Listen to Glen Beck carefully


3 – Dark to Light. What it means.

“Why are the White Hats destroying the country just to wake everyone up?” Respectfully, the folks who are saying this have it backwards. The White Hats are SAVING the country by SHOWING us all what the Black Hats ALREADY DID while we were asleep. The White hats didn’t open the border. They closed it. Obama and the black hats opened the border and let 15 million people in 10 years ago. The media just wasn’t allowed to tell you about it. The military was purged and weakened and created agreements with UN troops 10 years ago. The media just wasn’t allowed to tell you about it. Biological weapons were created and deployed while mass vaccination plans were implemented 20 years ago. The media just wasn’t allowed to tell you about it. Congress was passing unconstitutional laws, removing our rights, stealing trillions and. Destroying the dollar 10 years ago. The media just wasn’t allowed to tell you about it.

The CIA and FBI were murdering journalists, whistleblowers and innocent civilians in a BIG way 10 years ago. The media just wasn’t allowed to tell you about it. The DOJ was destroying whistleblowers, freedom fighters and constitutionalists with lawfare 10 years ago. The media just wasn’t allowed to tell you about it. Woke DA’s, Mayors and Governors were installed and began destroying civil liberties and not jailing criminals 10 years ago. The media just wasn’t allowed to tell you about it. Critical Race Theory and transgenderism were introduced into our schools 10 years ago. The media just wasn’t allowed to tell you about it. And on and on and on… You THINK the white hats are destroying the country because they are using carefully staged propaganda to make it LOOK like all of this is happening now. It’s not. America is just being forced to SEE examples of what has already happened behind our backs.

Dark to Light. That’s what it means. Author unknown

4 – This is not on the media ?

5a – Alex Antic: The WHO Pandemic Agreement

5b – The narrative isn’t crumbling, it’s coming apart

5c – This Australian beekeeper

This Australian beekeeper claims that the Australian government are actively engaging in the mass-killing of bees to apparently prevent the spread of varroa mites… Yet this beekeeper states that they didn’t even bother testing his hives… “This is an intentional attack on the food supply and the farmers who produce the food. Without these bees the human food supply will shrink which is exactly what these governments want”

6 – A wind catcher for cooling in a hot climate

End of Post

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