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1a – Stew Peters goes Hard
1b – Restored Republic via a GCR: 22 May
1c – Benjamin Fulford Q – White Hats Intel: 18 May
2a – Judge Merchan LOSES IT & SHOUTS at Trump Defense Witness in Trial Today!
2b – Covid vaxx pushers back flips + reversals – compilation
3a – THE WHITE RABBIT – “but it did happen…”
Yes, this digital ID is not unexpected but we should all hang off and resits as long as we can. We know it too will be ‘compulsory’ like everything is, or incredibly coerced like the so called ‘vaccines’.
Not surprised at all that the DIGITAL ID passed, because they won’t be affected like we will. Some of those politicians are too stupid to realise that they are just useless idiots in the scheme of things (the NWO just laughs at them as corrupted tools) and they will be the first ones to be sent off to the gulags when the NWO & their minions assume leadership…..!
3b – White Rabbit: How to decline a digital ID. for drivers license @10min in
4a – British Farmer: when the farmers are gone, it will be forever
4b – The Pilot who transported the Afghanistan Giant
5a – More NASA CGI
5b – The green deal
6 – Australia and World Cities: 1800s +1900s