2025/01/22nd – Child abductions and nobody cares

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Just love the floppy canopy cover to protect them from the cold ……….. haha

To the mindless saps who eat with their eyes…… Fake Meat ramping up to increase the long painful deaths to their bodies

President Trump’s Special Announcement on Jan 21stThose who criticize Trump’s Medicare don’t seem to understand there will be little need for hospitals etc as we know them

Learn more about this ↑ ↑ https://larryhannigan.com.au/world-events/35-ron-wyatt-red-sea-crossing-sodom-and-gomorrah-ark-of-the-coventant-christs-blood-analysed/


From Dick Y – It’s a very interesting case and when people wake up to what is happening here under Our Primary Law, Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 as Proclaimed and Gazetted under the Royal Coat of Arms. Treasonous Political Parties took ownership of the Governor-General in 1960, every State Parliament and State Governor created Acts for the change to the Dollar outside Our Primary Law. The question must be asked, Where are the Guardians of the Constitutions??? Next question, How much were the Guardians paid in counterfeit Dollars???

Refer: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/HCA/1996/29.html

Leask v Commonwealth [1996] HCA 29, referred to “Head of Power”:-

          “ As McHugh J said in Re Dingjan; Ex parte Wagner:

            In determining whether a law is ‘with respect to’ a head of power

in s 51 of the Constitution, two steps must be taken.

            First, the character of the law must be determined. That is done by reference

            to the rights, powers, liabilities, duties and privileges which it creates.

            Secondly, a judgment must be made

            as to whether the law as so characterised so operates

            that it can be said to be connected to a head of power conferred by s 51.

            In determining whether the connection exists,

            the practical, as well as the legal, operation of the law must be examined.

            If a connection exists between the law and a s 51 head of power,

            the law will be ‘with respect to’ that head of power unless the connection is,

            in the words of Dixon J, ‘so insubstantial, tenuous or distant’

            that it cannot sensibly be described

            as a law ‘with respect to’ the head of power. ”



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