2025/02/05th  – Frequencies cancer treatment

Approved by FDA !! ? Isn’t this what Tesla created frequencies for healing – eg Med beds ?  So called scientists claiming glory. Just like they did to Ron Wyatt.

Link – https://old.bitchute.com/video/FsRJJsZbaSjq/

Long but very observant – highly qualified and respected ex-military

Transcript by Rebecca – (rough transcript; go to ↑↑ for details and accuracy)

MOUNT:  Canada, Mexico, Peru, Panama, Columbia, and even Denmark are beginning to ‘bow’ (aka capitulate)…to what President Trump has requested. For example, the Public in Denmark is finding out that 50 percent of their federal budget is used to defend the land called Greenland that does not bring in any taxes.

(2.20 minutes) MESSAGE TO FBI:  [Duke of St. Petersburg]  By the way FBI, you are forgiven in the name of Yeshua… but ‘God help you’, because now you are in God’s hands… and until you FIX WHAT YOU BROKE God is going to turn the screws on you. MOUNT:  Already the FBI is getting PURGED… around 24 people in their top level have been removed. MESSAGE TO FBI:  Where is a terrorist going to get a job?  Your PENSION is gone.  Biden swapped  your Stocks and Bonds for US Treasuries… so if the U.S. has to file ‘bankruptcy’ soon, then your pensions will be gone. MOUNT:  Yes, they are still spraying stuff on us.  The FBI knows about it and does nothing. FACT:  It is the 55th and 60th Airwing… and NASA . FACT:  NASA is getting a new Director.  She is going to PURGE that organization.  It will probably take 3 to 4 weeks.

(3.41 minutes) MOUNT:  The deep state promised there would be a massive flu outbreak if Trump was elected. Out SOUTHWEST there is a problem, but it is NOT the flu… because it does not have a temperature. And it did not migrate to this house until Jane came back from her trip and pulled her clothes out of her suitcase. It is in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, southern California… Utah… Wyoming. It is not the flu, because there is NO FEVER. FACT:  It is a CHEMICAL.

(4.17 minutes) MOUNT:  There is a new fact from the U.S. Attorney. Apparently, Elon  Musk is getting threatened by everybody at USAID. FACT:  USAID is being merged into the U.S. State Department. FACT:  In 2009, the U.S. State Department had the Office of Population CONTROL. It became the U.S. Office of Population… but it is still the Office of Population Control. FACT:  TRILLIONS of dollars under the Biden administration has been used to force things like creating a ‘Transgender Comic Book’ for school distribution IN PERU…. And for translating the Satanic Bible with how to conduct human sacrifices… etc.

(5.55 minutes) MOUNT:   Yesterday… Hamas in Gaza bombed Israel against yesterday… because they could… and it killed two IDF soldiers and wounded 25. FACT:  Biden gave them those weapons… the missiles… the fuel… the ammunition… the guns. Trump cut that off. Trump also cut of the $50 Million GRANT to ‘send condoms into Palestine’. Think about it… they are being bombed, and the U.S. sends them condoms? … That is against the Koran. So…. SOMEBODY GOT PAID OFF. Like Zelensky said, “Out of the last $200 Billion from the U.S., Ukraine only got  $76 Billion… and out of that $76 Billion, $38 Billion the weapons were sold off and the Generals made a fortune. We are NOT talking about millions… We are talking about BILLIONS…. With almost $200 TRILLION since the Conflict in Ukraine started. FACT:  The U.S. taxpayers have been funding the salaries FOR THE ENTIRE UKRAINE GOVERNMENT…They have no method for collecting taxes except Sales tax.  There is no income tax.

(7.41 minutes) MOUNT:  The V.A. and Dept of Education had their ‘DEI programs’ cancelled. Let me explain what they were doing….The Head of the Dept of Education said, “Oh they are just political hires.  Our work will continue.” In other words… MESSAGE to President Trump:  You are either going to have to shut down the Dept. of Education and the V.A. … or… you will have to go in and SMASH heads… and arrest these people.  Because you did not do what God said on the FIRST DAY, and now nobody is listening to you.  So, when you get back from your 9 day trip, when the rest of the world ‘bows to you’ …while the U.S. Federal Agencies are not… You put them on ‘Permanent temporary hold’… ‘suspended with pay’….AND THEN they just keep on working.  They are not listening to you.  They will not listen until you slap on the handcuffs… and put them in jail… and seize the computers.

WARNING TO PRESIDENT TRUMP:  Do not eat the Bratwurst … When you go on your European trip stay away from those fancy hotdogs… A maître de in Brussels or Germany is going to put something into that hot dog.  It is not going to kill you, but you will wish that you were dead.  Be careful, Trump, because I keep getting this over and over… so it is one of those ‘things’ that will happen in a day or two. I hope that Trump’s aides are LISTENING.

(10.58 minutes) MOUNT:  According to Musk, the Dept of Education is going to be ‘unwound’… It is now up to $260 BILLION per year… AND… $260 BILLION in Bonds. That is half of a TRILLION a year to BRAINWASH Americans…

(11.32 minutes) MOUNT:  Now Biden has a lucrative contract in Hollywood… They have a list of all the actors who played ‘Biden’.  WARNING:  They are going to come after you.

(11.46 minutes) MOUNT:  Nations like Mexico and Canada are now putting BORDER GUARDS along their border. I wonder if they will get to Republic, Washington? You see, guys from Canada get to the town called Republic, Washington at the Canadian border… They put on a backpack and go to all of the border towns… in the middle of the night… and Customs is there. They have a permanent hotel room in Republic, Washington.  (Been there.  Seen that.) FACT:  They bring in the guys with the backpacks and let them sleep the night.  They feed them, and then drive them back to the border.  They walk across the border… and then they come back again with another backpack full of Fentanyl or dope…. FACT:  The Border  Guards get a percentage of the backpack filled with pills… in ALL OF THE BORDER TOWNS. WARNING:  In order to stop the drugs from coming in from Canada…  FACT:  Another guy built a catapult on the back of his truck.  He would launch the backpack with drugs across the border.  (They finally busted him.) FACT:  In Mexico you can see across the border for miles, but in Canada it is thick brush. That Canadian-USA border is about 3,000 or 4,000 miles… it is a big border. They are just walking across that border with a backpack… FACT:  The Border Patrol takes these guys back to the border… and then they drive those drugs SOUTH to their contacts.

REPORTER NOTE:  EYEWITNESS:  I talked with a man during my campaign for SC Governor who was a Border Guard for Mexico during the Vietnam era.  He said nobody stopped them from bringing marijuana into the USA, because the smugglers were generous and gave them some.  POINT:  THE US BORDER GUARDS ARE ALSO PART OF THE PROBLEM with our illegal drug trafficking… and illegal immigration./RES The drugs are not coming through the crossings… but through the border towns.

(14.27 minutes) MOUNT:  China has agreed to cut off Fentanyl. Trump said to Canada, “You are NOT getting $500 Billion a year from the U.S. Govt coffers anymore.  You have to build your own military… and fuel your own ships… and buy your own food…No more gravy train.”

(14.53 minutes) MOUNT:  A lot of that $3 Trillion was going to George Soros to create CONFLICTS … like the conflict in the CONGO… and VENEZUELA… and Ukraine… and Peru… and Columbia… and Mexico Drug Cartels… and China… and Mongolia… etc. FACT:  War was perpetrated across the world. It used to be the Soviet Union that funded all of that… but when it collapsed, then the deep state turned to the USA in 1979… and the US State Department started funding in Vietnam.

(16.16 minutes) MOUNT:  Tomorrow… A Monroe Doctrine is going to come about. Yes, Denmark is about to capitulate with Greenland… because their Public is very upset with how the federal level spent half of their taxes on a land that makes no profit.

(16.35 minutes) FACT: Panama is tired of the ‘Silk and Road’… which is a COMPUTER PROGRAM… that is running their ports. FACT:  China bought both ports on each end of the Panama Canal. The U.S. Corporation used to own both of those ports. FACT:  The Panama Canal is two lockes that come into rivers that make a big lake in the middle. Well, the two ports on both ends were purchased by China were OWNED by the Chinese Communist Party…. AND THEY ARE BROKE. So, China wants to sell these two ports. FACT:  The U.S. has corporations that are ready to BUY THEM. FACT:  The U.S. is not ‘taking over Panama’. FACT:  Suddenly… with a new Director of NASA… those rivers with the lake in the middle will have enough water to fill back up again.  The Panama Canal will be fully operational. FACT:  China was not making any money in Panama because of a DROUGHT… and the CCP is ready to sell. There is a backup of 100 ships on either side of that canal… It looks like: We are going to end up with a Monroe Doctrine in South America. Europe is becoming independent from the U.S. Russia and China are merging. Africa is going to be the ‘playground’ for these conflicts.

(18.16 minutes) MOUNT:  By the way…. FACT:  There is no more trading with South Africa, because they are taking away all the farmland from the White people. Trump has cut off all trading … USD trading … with South Africa. PREDICTION:  Expect a total collapse of South Africa very soon. Tomorrow we will begin talking about Europe… as Trump calls Brussels a ‘HELL HOLE’… AGAIN… Do not eat that Bratwurst, President Trump. God wants you to stay alive.  I don’t know why.  My job is to help keep you alive. And, FBI you are forgiven, but now come ‘God’s PURGE’.

The ongoing Covid vaccine epidemic and now more than 100,000 unnecessary vaccine deaths in Australia was brought to you by Liberals, Nationals, Labor and Greens. And you are going to vote for them?                                                                 

attempts to normalise the human consumption of beetles, cockroaches, crickets and other insects, “to save the planet”. “To keep our consumption habits sustainable, humans in 2050 might be eating insects.”

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