40 – Gough Whitlam – dismissed by whom? The Deep State in Australia

From Helen Edwards – I personally spent several hours with the CID IRS at the USA embassy in Sydney in 2017 – I was invited by them from another one of their colleagues I met in Singapore in 2016 – who advised me to follow the money. 

Australia had the Commonwealth Bank and The Post Office, now called Australia Post. WesternUnion refunded my stolen money via fraudulent activity back in 2015 – since 2011 in my case, I would have not uncovered their global deceit and now exposed HMQEII – 3 Fraudulent Governor Generals, COSGROVE, HURLEY, DE-JERSEY, 3 Fraudulent Prime Ministers, ABBOTT, TURNBULL, MORRISON. 3 Fraudulent Treasurers HOCKEY, MORRISON, FRYDENBERG for their failure to take action and now, treason = PRISON TIME!

From the Weekend Australian 19 Jan 2020


Troy Bramston is a senior writer and columnist with The Australian and a contributor to Sky News. Key letters between Buckingham Palace and Australian governors-general concerning some of the most tumultuous political events in the nation’s history will be kept secret until at least five years after the end of the Queen’s reign, and may not be released at all.

The move reverses an agreement between the palace and the National Archives of Australia to make vice-regal letters eligible for release after 50 years. Under the new arrangement, the palace maintains a sole veto on whether they become public at all.

The Weekend Australian had requested access to governor-­general Richard Casey’s vice-regal letters from 1965-69, which had been eligible for release 50 years after the end of Casey’s term, on May 1 last year.

The letters held in the National Archives are among the most importan­t vice-regal correspondence and deal with the retirement of Robert Menzies­, Harold Holt’s disappearance and the bitter­ power struggle between John Gorton and Billy McMahon for the prime ministership, in which Casey was directly involved.

An agreement between Government House and the ­National Archives made on July 23, 1991, and approved by the Queen, provides for the letters of governors-general Casey, Paul Hasluck (1969-74), John Kerr (1974-77), ­Zelman Cowen (1977-82) and ­Ninian Stephen (1982-89) to be released­ after 50 years but ­subject to a possible veto by the Queen’s private secretary and the gov­ernor­-general’s private secret­ary.

Buckingham Palace has now sought to tear up this agreement and insisted that all letters from governors-general to the Queen, and her private secretary, and in return, should remain sealed and not be available until at least five years after her death and then still be subject to a possible royal veto.

Paul Singer, official secret­ary to the Governor-General, raised the access request with the Queen’s assistant private secret­ary, Tom Laing-Baker, during his visit to Australia on May 21 last year.

Mr Singer subsequently wrote to the Queen’s private secretary, Edward Young, asking him to consider making the letters public. He did not authorise their release.

In a letter to the director-general­ of the National Archives, David Fricker, which was made available to The Weekend Aus­tralian, Mr Singer said the Queen’s private secretary argued that “the privacy and dignity” of the Queen must be respected and releasing the letters could damage Australia-Britain relations. Buckingham Palace has reiterated the longstanding convention of confidentiality that is necessary to protect the privacy and dignity of the sovereign and her governors-general,” he wrote.

“(Mr Young) also notes that should the principle of confident­iality be undermined by papers of this kind being released, it could damage not only international relations­ but also the trusting relations­hip between Her Majesty and her representatives overseas.”

The Weekend Australian requested­ access to the letters on April 2 last year. The National Archives­ consulted Government House the following month, which then raised it with Buckingham Palace. On ­December 6 last year, Government House advised the National Archives that the request for access to the letters had been denied. The formal advice from Government House was later provided to The Weekend Australian.

While Buckingham Palace has blocked access to Casey’s letters, he made them available for his biograph­y written by Bill Hudson published in 1986. Letters from other governors-general, which are not held in the National ­Archives, are publicly available. These include letters from William­ McKell (1947-53) to and from the Queen, and her father, held at the State Library of NSW.

The unprecedented intervention by Buckingham Palace to deny Australians access to their own historical documents, written by Australians and maintained in Australia, could have implications for the attempt by academic Jenny Hocking to have Kerr’s correspondence categorised as “official” rather than “personal” and made public after 20 years like cabinet papers. Her case goes to the High Court on appeal next month.

Kerr - Copy

Whitlam and Kerr were an item I have been told. From the papers I have I think the Queen knew what was going on and with the Treason going on in England as well as here I think the Political Parties don’t want what was in the letters given to the people.  Dick
