57 – New Porn Laws in Australia ?

Did you know that child porn has been legalised in Australia for children under 18 years of age?

* It seems that some people think this is a joke. It isn’t. I encourage those who think it’s a joke to look at the legislation themselves on the official government website at http://www.legislation.vic.gov.au/ . Those who assume it’s a joke because they haven’t seen it in the news obviously don’t realise that mainstream so-called “reputable” news outlets are controlled by a small number of editors who are able to suppress particular stories being written by their employee journalists. The key is to bypass the media and look at the primary documentation. In other words…LOOK AT THE LEGISLATION YOURSELF AND STOP RELYING ON MIDDLE MEN. In order to hold politicians accountable you need to understand the basic of the parliamentary and legislative process. Now is a good time to start learning. Perhaps i’ll make an instructional video about it.

what is the agenda behind this
