66 – TREASON in the Churches

A – The USA scenario

QUOTE: “Prior to 1954, there was no such thing as a 501(c)(3) church.  All donations, contributions, gifts, etc. given to churches were automatically tax‑deductible under the old English common law, known as the “Law of Charities.” Then in 1954, Senator Lyndon Baines Johnson (D‑Texas) sponsored legislation which brought churches under the new 501(c)(3) section of the Internal Revenue code. “

“As a part of this legislation, churches would incorporate, and having that status, they could not be sued in a legal action. This was promoted as a “benefit” to the churches. The churches never bothered to look to the Scriptures and previous law to find out that churches could not be sued. They relied instead on advice from lawyers and the “legal profession” who recommended acceptance of this new “benefit.” And why not? Anything involving more “legality” does nothing more than advance the status, importance, need, and employment of this questionable profession. It is a fact, that today most all of the “churches” who have been sued in a court action have been “incorporated churches.” “



In 1973 the Political Parties did not consolidate the Preamble to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 as Proclaimed and Gazetted, therefore they don’t recognize “humbly relying on the blessing of Almighty God,” This removed OUR God, our Heavenly Father, from Parliament.

And when the Political Parties created their own High Court of Australia in 1979, there is NO God in their Australian Courts.  ABN = Australian Business Number is a License to trade and run a business in the Political Parties “AUSTRALIA”.

Here are just a few.

ABN: 32 778 622 913 Entity name: ANGLICAN CHURCH PROPERTY TRUST OF CANBERRA AND GOULBURN  Entity type: Other Incorporated Entity

ABN: 69 507 392 569 Entity name: The Trustee for ANGLICAN CHURCH PROPERTY TRUST DIOCESE OF CANBERRA AND GOULBURN Entity type: Discretionary Investment Trust

ABN: 51 925 884 864 Entity name: THE CORPORATION OF THE SYNOD OF THE DIOCESE OF BRISBANE Entity type:   Other Incorporated Entity.  Trading name(s):   ANGLICAN FINANCIAL SERVICES

ABN: 32 025 287 736  Entity name: THE CORPORATION OF THE SYNOD OF THE DIOCESE OF BRISBANE Entity type:  Other Incorporated Entity.  Trading name(s):    DIOCESAN ADMINISTRATION OFFICES

Note: The Diocese of Brisbane (Anglican Church of Australia) has its Diocesan Registry (ABN 32 025 287 736) situated at St Martins House, 373 Ann Street, Brisbane Qld 4000, (GPO Box 421, Brisbane Qld 4001).

“The Corporation of the Synod of the Diocese of Brisbane” published its 2003 “CONSTITUTION AND CANONS OF THE DIOCESE OF BRISBANE”, in which “ ‘Chancellor’ means the Chancellor of the Diocese for the time being appointed by the Archbishop by instrument under his hand and seal”,  and who is referred to in the Cathedral, Diocesan Council and Synod Canons. The Chancellor is the principal confidential adviser to the bishop of the diocese in legal and related matters. The present Chancellor of the Diocese of Brisbane, since 1991, is the Honourable Paul de Jersey AC, who in 1998 was appointed the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Queensland, and who is the Patron of the Christian Lawyers Society.

ABN: 90 434 433 679  Entity name: ANGLICAN CATHOLIC CHURCH PARISH OF BRISBANE Entity type: Other Incorporated Entity

The Political Parties and the churches together removed the “Defender of the Faith” = removing all rights from the people to the Political Parties. 

Church of England in Australia Constitution Act 1961 (NSW) Act No 16 of 27 March1961

ANGLICAN CANON No 16 OF 1966   Start of Name Change to Remove the Church of England. Church of England Constitution Act No 12 NSW 1976 change name to Church of England in Australia Omit Archbishop of Canterbury.

Queensland Anglican Church of Australia Act 1977 Remover the Church of England. New South Wales Anglican Church of Australia Act 1976 No.21 Removed the Church of England.

Victoria Anglican Church of Australia Constitution Act 1977  No 8984 Removed the Church of England.

South Australia Anglican Church of Australia Constitution Act 1977  No 90 Removed the Church of England.

Tasmania Anglican Church of Australia Constitution Act 1977  No 90 Removed the Church of England.

Western Australia Anglican Church of Australia Act 1976 No 121  an Act to remove the Church of England.

Australian Capital Territory Anglican Church of Australia Ordinance 1980  Removed the Church of England.

Northern Territory Anglican Church of Australia Ordinance 1978 No 5 Removed the Church of England.

All State Parliaments agreed on the taking of certain measures to bring “constitutional arrangements” affecting the Commonwealth and the States into “conformity” with the “status” of the Commonwealth of Australia as a sovereign, independent and federal nation: 

This Political Party sovereign, independent and federal nation is abstract. Therefore NO Living people, NO God needed.  Oxford Dictionary abstract adj.  /abstrakt/ theoretical rather than physical or concrete.

Referendum 1999      

Q 1. To alter the Constitution to establish the Commonwealth of Australia as a republic with the Queen and Governor-General being replaced by a President appointed by a two-thirds majority of the members of the Commonwealth Parliament. NOT carried.

Q 2. To alter the Constitution to insert a preamble. NOT carried. 

The living people of the Commonwealth of Australia as established UNDER the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 VOTED to stay as a Constitutional Monarchy.

A Federal Referendum of the living people is an explicitly binding Act on all Australian Parliaments and Churches. When Australian Parliaments, Governments (COAG) and Churches don’t listen to Referendums they enact TREASON upon themselves.

“Oh no”  you say – “my Church wouldn’t be part of that. My Pastor is a good man, he surely knows “ yeah right !   Go do an ABN search – you might get a shock !  Here is Kyogle, a small country town in NSW population less than 3000 people


Now read Rev. 18.4 … it’s not just the Vatican.