08 – State Child Protection Agencies


You don’t believe there is a Pedo industry ?

30 – Fiona Barnett – Australian Paedophilia Network Exposed

Sadly – many will adopt this attitude


From an Australian mother

Late last week, I received a letter by regular post, advising me that the Department Of Child Protection had concerns for the well being of my children (and the document named all my children)

Next paragraph said, We would like to arrange an interview with you to address the concerns, at either the office or your home. Please call, blah blah, their number etc.  That’s all. No outline of the concerns, nothing.  I wish I had saved the letter, but I did not.

I received phone calls from the department on Monday, about 2 hours apart. I answered neither.

Wednesday mid morning, two departmental officers ding donged my doorbell. I approached the door, requested to know who it was, no one answered. I again asked who it was, at which point one of the women stated they were from the department and they would like to speak to me. I opened my door, (only because I have a metal security door with mesh which can remain closed between the women and I, if you don’t have one, don’t open the door at all) and instructed them that they were trespassing and they must leave. They tried to engage me in conversation, I refused, again stating they were trespassing. I closed the door. They went to their car at the bottom of my driveway, I took a photo of them for car registration identification purposes.

I encourage anyone to have a voice recorder just inside your door out of sight in case they defy the Notices and come to your door. Be sure to tell them you do not wish to consent to anything nor any contract. DO NOT GO TO THEIR PLACE OF BUSINESS.

You may copy and paste the form letter below to any word processor document or choose from these templates:

Word 1997 – 2003 (.doc)    Word 2007 (.docx)Open Office (.odt)

Send a copy of this letter to the department concerned.

No Trespassing signs should also be used. Click here for a ‘No Trespass’ Sign template. You should copy, print and laminate two signs, one to put on your front gate and the second to be placed near your front door.

This letter is a Notice to them – and is your third official legal NOTICE.

Form Letter

Your name and address


Director General (name)

This notice is provided to The Department of Child Protection (or whatever) ABN (their ABN) and any persons, entities, employees, associates, corporations, sub-contractors and agents of the fore mentioned (herein referred to as YOUR COMPANY). (name)

(their address)

Date: Day / spell Month / 20..

To the Director General (Name )

This notice is provided to The Department of Child Protection (or whatever) ABN (their ABN) and any persons, entities, employees, associates, corporations, sub-contractors and agents of the fore mentioned (herein referred to as YOUR COMPANY). (name)

YOUR COMPANY is explicitly prohibited and forbidden from entering the property at the following (service) address: All upper and lower case)

This property is PRIVATE PROPERTY. “No trespass” signs have been erected and are clearly displayed on the property.

I, (your name), refuse to give my consent to enter into any contract with YOUR COMPANY. As legal guardian of my children, (full names of your children), I refuse to give my consent for any interaction between YOUR COMPANY and my children. YOUR COMPANY is explicitly prohibited and forbidden from continuing any attempt to secure contract with me and my family. I do not consent to a contact with YOUR COMPANY, and I do not consent to my children (mentioned above) having a contract with YOUR COMPANY.

Such persons, entities or agents who ignore instructions contained in this notice or notices contained on the property will be held in FULL COMMERCIAL LIABILITY and face both civil and criminal charges.

A copy of this notice will be provided to Minister (name)

If a response to this notice is not received within ten days, it shall be fact that you accept and will honour this notice and notices contained on the property, such requiring no further action on your behalf.


                                                                                 Signature:            ……………………….
All Rights Reserved     

Form Letter


1) – Record everything, and everyone connected with the DoCS case CAS workers, Police, Doctors, councillors, and your lawyer, (if you don’t need it, later you can decide what to do with it after the case is over).
If these people are doing what they should be doing and not lying, misleading or breaking the law you can always delete the recordings after you are done with CAS. If you do catch them you can use the recordings to file a large compensatory law suit.

2) – Never sign any consents, don’t volunteer information. If you have signed consents you should immediately notify DoCS and the professional, person, office, or agency that you have withdrawn those permissions and or consents. If you must sign a consent make sure you write in ” this consent is limited to only the written transfer of information, all other methods such as information transferred by telephone or personal conversations are not admissible in court regarding telephone or personal conversations are not admissible in court regarding this file (add the file number). If the CAS refuses this consent written in this manner (cross out and initial the crossed out section) they can explain to the judge why and what evidence they have that requires them to have such information, and the judge can order them if needed, often times DoCS will trick you into signing them in a manner that they can easily misinterpreted and manipulate, don’t be fooled. If you need further help on this issue please contact someone who knows your situation (lawyer,advocate) before you sign anything. If you are forced to sign a consent by being ordered to argue that all information that the DoCS is requesting be requested in writing and a copy of all material received be submitted in its entirety the courts continuing record and a copy sent to you not your lawyer.

3) – Demand that DoCS put any concerns it has in writing so that you may take them to your lawyer to arrange a meeting to discuss possible resolution. At which point you will arrange to come with your lawyer and discus that solution.

4) – Always expect the worst case scenario when considering DoCS motive and desires, they will likely pretend to be helping you when in fact they are working to get a stranglehold on you and your family.

5) – Require everything from DoCS be in writing, DoCS does not like to be held accountable for bad faith actions or breaches of law. DoCS creates policy that allows them maximum deniability. In other words they want to say and do things that they can easily deny or cover up. Also you can demand things be in writing if you have a language barrier or are hard of hearing. Be sure to record any verbal refusal.

6) – Keep a folder of all the papers you receive (including the envelope you receive it in, and mark on the envelope the date you received it in the mail), Have one set of papers that is kept in chronological order in which they were received including the papers you served or filed. We suggest you make a second copy to use as a working copy. This way your papers are organized and you have a spare if you ever need it.

7) -Always record any visits with your kids, and bring a camera, a cell phone camera, or even a digital recorder, to record and photograph any marks on your kids. Most cell phones have an audio recorder on them.

8) – Get involved with groups

9) – Write a letter to your local Member State and Federal detailing your complaint against DoCS agency you are dealing with. Be sure to include names, dates, places, incidences.
