04 – We have already paid for our roads!


Your Rates  “road levy” is gobbled up in fat salaries and perks.

Rates “Road Levy” is a criminal double dip by the fraudsters – Local Councils.   Road “Toll” is a criminal double dip by the fraudsters – the State Gov’t.

The liable ones who implemented these scams, can be taken to the High Court of the Commonwealth Australia over this, and be made to pay it all back with damages, (also if you feel it’s been a tort against you, you could seek compensation)  but that would require a class action against the fraudsters.

Remember, A company cannot speak or write – only people can do that. It’s the liable employees who carry the liability for their corporation, who are answerable, not the Company, it’s only a name and a ABN on a piece of paper.

Keep a record of all your payments, make sure you mark all your payments “Paid Under Duress”. Before signing, if you do a Bank transfer there is enough room to put this in the description box, then email them your receipt.

All Roads, Road works and Tolls are paid for from your taxes, and I bet you didn’t know that. So is your rubbish collection paid for. That’s another double dip by council staff.  Plus – they sell you water by the litre … ie, a tax on rain. But before you get the water, they deliberately add a witches brew of poisons.

Your Car – Every time you fuel your vehicle you pay fuel excise (tax) of 38.4 cents per litre on every litre.  Fuel Excise is a TAX and is charged by the Federal Government to pay for building of roads, bridges and tunnels and the maintenance of such. Fuel Excise replaced the ROAD TAX in 1979 when it was abolished after The Razorback Blockades.
Your Semi-trailer – Many truck owners pay $55,000.00 per year for just one truck, so multiply that by 40 thousand trucks and you are starting to get the picture of the Fuel Excise figure raised just from this one TAX!
Your Boat – You pay fuel excise even if you are fuelling your boat,
Every time you pay registration and license charges, part of those charges also go towards the building of roads, bridges and tunnels.
Your Lawn Mower – You pay fuel excise, even on your mower fuel.  

All roads, bridges and tunnels are therefore paid for by the Australian People of the Commonwealth and the Australian People therefore own those roads, bridges and tunnel systems!

The State governments have already sold off infrastructure including toll roads, bridges and tunnels to mock investors that are in fact subsidiary companies of the state governments and the state government gave those companies the right to charge the people who already own that infrastructure toll charges! However, they did not build other roads or bridges off those motorway’s that would allow road user’s to bypass those toll roads.

This in itself is unlawful as how does the state government sell off infrastructure that is built in the middle of publicly owned infrastructure and not provide an alternative route for public transport and still have the sale of that infrastructure be a lawful contract?

In addition, those toll roads, bridges and tunnels no longer belong to the Australian Public, or does it?  How can you sell something which is not yours ? Ask Peter Beattie and Anna Bligh … Who bought Qld Railways for how much ?

How can the new “owners” now charge us (the original owners; TOLLS for the use of our own property? They set it up this way because our constitution states that “once a TAX is placed on anything by the Federal Government, no other TAX can be charged by ANY other government department” State or otherwise, even if that tax is removed by the Federal Government!
Therefore, the only way
the state governments could make more money out of the present road system was by charging tolls under a fake subsidiary company, and the only way they could do that was to sell off the infrastructure to themselves under another name and then that company can charge us tolls or as l like to call it Another TAX!

The government couldn’t risk a private company buying infrastructure in the middle of Public Infrastructure and then

1 – Not maintaining it
2 – Altering it in some way that it would cause problems with the flow of traffic
3 –  Going bankrupt and closing it down for good (in effect making that entire motorway or infrastructure completely useless) and it would cripple that entire Road System for public use!
Can you imagine the dilemma?

In which case the the state government would then have to buy back that infrastructure in whatever condition it is in and at whatever obscene over inflated price that a private company would like to extort/sell it for!

The Burnley Tunnel in Melbourne and The Clem 7 Tunnel in Brisbane; if these alleged private companies were to go broke and close down those tunnels; this would cause traffic jams that would take months to deal with; by forcing all that traffic onto already heavily congested road corridors and hence, which is why the alleged sale of this infrastructure is unlawful as
the stategovernments have not provided exits on this infrastructure as a safety measure to this problem occurring and in not giving the public a choice of using those bridges, roadways, tunnels or not!

To add insult to injury, if you don’t pay the toll charges, the State government subsidiary companies then employ the State Police Service Force (another private abn company) as debt collectors, in that they issue you with an infringement notice to pay the toll charges. If you don’t pay the charges the Traffic Infringement Courts then issue you with a NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ISSUE AN INFRINGEMENT WARRANT, so your original $2.70 or in the case of a Semi, $11.90 then has charges added to it such as Infringement penalty $122 which includes Penalty Reminder Notice Costs $22.60, Lodgment Fee $48.90 and Enforcement Order Costs $26.30

As you can see, this has become a very lucrative business for the our State Governments as nowhere on these NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ISSUE AN INFRINGEMENT WARRANT does it give you

1 – The name of the alleged private company
2 – And only makes reference to the alleged debtor as “THE RELEVANT CORPORATION”!
3 – It is so lucrative a business that the State Governments have set up a Magistrates Court; known as the “Traffic Infringements Court”, just to deal with TOLL EVASION and Infringement Notices!

AS A PRIVATE BUSINESS OWNER-OPERATOR you cannot employ the State Police Serviceor the State Magistrates Court to use as your personal debt collectors, in fact a judge would laugh in your face at taking someone to court who owed me $2.70.

This is also a fair indication that this whole setup by the State Governments is a Farce and the biggest Fraud Scam that this country has ever seen; as they no longer try to hide these facts.
The Australian Taxation Office will inform you that the Fuel Excise you pay is for the building and maintenance of all road systems throughout Australia.

This is not an issue that can be dealt with by a single person on a single infringement notice and needs to become a class action dealt with by a Constitutional Lawyer. (if we can find one)                


1 – G.S.T (A TAX)
2 – Fuel Excise (Another TAX)
3 – World Parity Excise (Another TAX)
So on FUEL we pay A TAX on a TAX on a TAX!

All set up Unconstitutionally, (as no referendum was held to change the laws), (TAX wise) and (Property Boundaries) etc; with the soul intention of to commit FRAUD against and THEFT from theAustralian People of the Commonwealth.

Until The People of this great country WAKE UP and stand together then nothing will be done to stop it, and we The People will suffer in silence and just go on whingeing about it!

This is only one reason why we must stick with our Annotated Commonwealth Constitution written by Quick & Garren and not allow our Government to make us a REPUBLIC, as to do so would throw away all our RIGHTS and allow the government to write our Republic Laws without consent from the Australian People of the Commonwealth !

Simply copy this information off and send it in with your Infringement Notice and demand a reply to this statement above and for your matter to be heard in a proper court of
common law! If enough people do this it will back up their system and overload it, thus crippling the system, but MANY need to do it!

On the day you go to court you will attend the Magistrates Court, so you know, the Magistrates Court is no longer bound by the Constitution, these judges are paid and appointed by the StateGovernment and therefore the only way you can have constitutional issues heard in The “High Court” (THE ONLY COURT IN THE COMMOWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA WHO IS BOUND BY THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA CONSTITUTION ACT 1901  Proclaimed and Gazetted.

ou will notice that the Magistrates Court no longer has the Royal Coat of Arms (Crown Authority) showing above The Bench, if you say to the Magistrate “who do you serve”, they will not answer this question, if you insist on an answer they may get up and leave the chamber as to answer that question would reveal that they are not serving justice to “The People” but are only serving the StateGovernments.

No amount of arguing your case will win as the Magistrate no longer recognizes The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 Proclaimed and Gazetted, therefore, they will find you guilty.
State for the record “l am appealing your decision in the High Court” based on your obvious Bias to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 Proclaimed and Gazetted.

You then have a period of 28 Days to appeal their decision before the High Court, so do not dilly dally.

Adapted from an article by Lyn Bennetts

(the “State”) trading as the Queensland  Government.  Total Fraud
(the “State”) has all the powers and legal capacity of an individual.       

United We Can and Will Make a Difference!

Australia in a geographical sense. This seal is used by the company trading as the “Australian Government” and its High Court of Australia created in 1979 by removing the Constitution and seat of the High Court. Total Fraud.

Kirby JJ stated: “A legislature cannot, by preambular assertions,
recite itself into constitutional power where none exists.”

The correct Royal Coat of Arms of Authority

Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 Proclaimed and Gazetted

High Court as established by the Judiciary Act 1903