2023/07/27th – Watch What Happens

This is not a game – it is deadly serious must see Items 1 and 9

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Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only… All items are the opinion of the authors

1a – QFS-RV info from an ex USA Banker  

1b – Watch What Happens

Info just came to me and to be on the safe side of caution….. From RIGHT NOW till MONDAY NIGHT……WATCH WHAT HAPPENS Be ready…..that’s all I can say – Wolverine

I believe the lockdown must occur first as in the 1a video at 25secLarry

2a – Kevin Spacey not guilty in London trial …

and – Hunter Biden will plead guilty to tax charges today …

and Federal Judge rules against Biden immigration policy …


2b – Joe Biden’s ‘multimillion-dollar bribery’ file released

2c – Judge Throws Out Hunter Biden Plea Deals

Hunter Biden got broad legal immunity from all tax crimes between 2014 and 2019 The Hunter Biden investigation followed by a slap-on-the-wrist plea deal was equally a cover-up pretending to be an investigation. And a judge just threw it out the window. Judge Maryellen Noreika refused to accept a revised plea deal between the two parties after a three-hour hearing Wednesday, which would have offered Hunter Biden broad legal immunity from all tax crimes that took place between 2014 and 2019, as well as any drug or firearm charges. She ordered prosecutors and Hunter Biden’s attorneys to strike a new deal that limits the legal immunity offered to the first son. So Hunter Biden is pleading not guilty while assuming that the party will protect him.


2d – Donald Trump Finally Blasted ALL Joe Biden, + Obama’s LIES


The Supreme Court has ruled that agencies formed by Congress aren’t part of the Republic, such as the FBI, CIA, IRS, NIH, CDC, FDA and even local School Boards. This verdict challenges the very existence of such organizations and gives Power Back to The People in their own states. The US Federal Government could now be pruned back to a mere 10% of its current status

2e – JFK Jr. Private on Telegram: 

Hello Everyone, I was American Royalty! Princess Diana was British Royalty! Why did we become friends? Because they wanted both of us dead!

  • Who wanted me dead? The American Government! Who wanted Princess Diana dead? The Royal Family!
  • Why did the American Government wanted to kill me? Because I had hard proof of the Pedophiles who run our world and all of the corruption that the American Government did: Jeffrey Epstein, the Clinton family, Bill Gates, the Rockefeller family and many more. I had all of the evidence needed to destroy them!
  • Why did the Royal Family want Princess Diana dead? Because she knew all of their secrets and she was planning to expose them. From the secret affairs to the Pedophilia, she knew everything!
  • In nine days (Thurs. 3 Aug.) we are exposing everything live!
  • John F. Kennedy Jr. LINK: https://t.me/+59i-8mzBB3xiZmE0
  • Queen Diana LINK: https://t.me/LadyD_Q17


3a – CINDY ROBERTS “The Voice” For all Australians to Listen to.


3b – Fears WA’s Cultural Heritage laws could be introduced in other states


3c – Western Australia Heritage laws ‘annoying plenty of people’


3d – WA farmers slam Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act for preventing ‘major work’ on properties


4a – Albanese’s Voice and Treaty – LIES Exposed


4b – Courageous Mundine lays out the Voice clearly – it is toxic and racist

Federal Minister for Indigenous Australians Linda Burney has given the strongest indication yet that a truth and treaty process is in the works. With all the ‘ducking & weaving the PM has managed by avoiding to answer about that Treaty as to if that is what he intention is and was all along. But he refuses to talk about his plan, it is going ahead never-the-less.. It appears his massive advertising propaganda has softened somewhat.. But what the PM Ablo has been able to achieve is convince the outback Aboriginals living on their settlement communities to vote for his YES campaign.

This video is now blocked on Ytube

4c – Albo submits bill proposing $500k fines for posting online “misinformation”


4d – Aust Govt removed 4000 social media posts during covid


4e – WHO Pandemic Treaty exposed – Roberts


4f – Dan Andrews – caught in his own lies.



5a – City Mayor doing his job 

5b – Qld – Legal Tender – Keep cash alive…..

While cards are convenient, cash works when there is NO electricity. Can’t be shut off by the banks. Queensland citizens draws to the attention of the House there are businesses in Queensland who are refusing to accept legal Australian tender ie cash, cheques et cetera. This is immoral and needs to be illegal. The people of Queensland should have the right to pay for goods and services using any form of legal Australian tender of their choice. Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to call on the Queensland Government to legislate that any business operating in Queensland must accept any and all forms of legal Australian tender.


6a – WEF’s biggest fear


6b – Beware of the FAKE [DISCLOSURE] Orchestrated by the Deep State in Congress. Project Blue Beam, ëven some White Hat alleged info, Musk’s Mysterious X, Global Deception, Cabal’s Sinister Scheme and More…

The video Drain the Swamp is just a guy selling Survival books – ignore it – But the rest of the article is good


6c – Is ELON – X…  Front man of the NWO ?


7a – Covid Cops Caught out – Police Bodycam


7b – Australian GP sues Pfizer and Moderna


7c – Pfizer in Butter ??  

7d – Our Insulin is Being Poisoned


7e – What is this?? AlphaFox @Alphafox78 – Thanks to scientists

8a – How Doctors are given Misinformation  

8b – Brisbane bushfires coming – how do they know in advance

8c – Nature’s Penicillin: For Pneumonia, Earache, Flu, Bronchitis…



9a – Your Master Card will be the MASTER of your Social Credit Score – dump it now


9b – Bankrupt – Closing or Closed

1- Victoria’s Secret has declared bankruptcy

2- Zara closed 1,200 stores

3- La Chapelle withdrew 4391 stores

4- Chanel is no longer manufactured

5- Hermes will no longer be continued

6- Patek Philippe has stopped production

7- Rolex stopped production at 2:25 AM Jul 24, 2023.

8– The luxury industry of the world has collapsed.

9 – Nike has a total of $23 billion to prepare for the second phase of layoffs.

10– Gold’s gym filed for bankruptcy.

11 – The AirBnb founder said that 12 years of effort was wiped out in 6 weeks due to the pandemic.

12– Even Starbucks announced it would permanently close its 400 stores.

13– WeWork isn’t in a good position either.

14- Nissan Motor Co. could close in the US.

15– The largest car rental company (Hertz) filed for bankruptcy. It also owns Thrifty and Dollar.

16– The largest trucking company (Comcar) filed for bankruptcy – it has 4000 trucks.

17- The oldest retail company (JC Penny) filed for bankruptcy – to be taken over by Amazon for pennies.

18 – The world’s largest investor (Warren Buffet) has lost $50 billion in the last two months   

19 – The world’s largest investment firm (BlackRock) is signalling disaster for the global economy – over $7 trillion under management.

20 – The largest mall in America (Mall of America) has stopped making mortgage payments.     

21- The most prestigious airline (Emirates) laid off 30% of their workers.

22 – The US Treasury is printing trillions to keep the economy afloat.

23– Estimated number of retail stores to close in 2023 – 12,000 to 15,000.

Must Watch Videos:

9c – Insurance companies know that 5G is bad.



10a – Reviving Dead Batteries  I cannot know if this works



10b – Bravest men on Earth

10c – Biggest Man – Fascinating life of Mills Darden


End of post

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