2024/5/08th  – It’s all a show

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Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only. All items are the opinion of the authors. A selected fraction of articles sent to me. Thank you contributors and donors 

To keep this site operating, I need $600 by the end of May for Domain fees and Tech support. Will 6 of ye please donate $100 or 12 donate $50 or 60 donate $10?  Thank you in anticipation. Larry Hannigan Bendigo Bank BSB: 633000 Acct: 188279434 or Paypal PayPal.Me/LarryHannigan



2a – It’s all a show laid on by the City of London 

Aussie OUR Perth man Brendon, who they jailed.  He never stops…

2b – South Africa to abolish their government 


2c – No fear 365 – Tim Dwyer


3a – Congrats to the actor playing Biden

“If you elect me, your taxes are going to be RAISED, not cut.”

3b – Georgia’s Election – Historic Fraud in Fulton County


4a – If Donald Trump wins the election the climate agenda is over


4b – Trumps’ plan for America – Agenda 47

5 – A solution they DO NOT want you to know


6 – Left to rot – organ failure

This was removed – I saved it first

7a – Electric vehicles debunked

7b – Was this a deep fake

7c – New York City Now


I can see clearly now – singalong


End of post

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