2024/02/11th  – Who wants S1 million in cash now ?

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Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only… All items are the opinion of the authors. A selected fraction of articles sent to me – Thank you contributors

1 – Who wants S1 million in cash now ?

The Reserve Bank holds $1 billion in cash which it has drawn out of circulation – I need 999 people to go and get it before it is destroyed. Cashless Society – NWO In Australia – You must use cash as much as possible


2a – It’s onGet ready for it – WWR – 17th Feb

Queens Gardens BNE CBD

Flyers – The People’s Revolution

Flyers – The People’s Revolution

2b – This is NOT a petition it IS a Motion – seconded by many.

Hi, I, Leonard just signed the ‘END THE BELLIGERENT OCCUPATION – NATIONAL AUSTRALIAN STRIKE’ petition and wanted to know if you would like to help us by adding your name.   We need more support. To find out more and sign the petition, please click here:


3a – Fiona – Pedos in our Govt. gotta go


3b – The silent destruction of Australia 1998


4 – What are your rights if your home is invaded?


5a – You can never leave an agenda 2030 smart prison city already planned in Sydney Australia


5b – Welcome home to Utopia a 15 minute city

If items 5a + 5b don’t motivate you to see items 2a and 2b – then you are actively supporting the wrong side. Get you act together – Why don’t ambulances rush to your church or prayer groups ? We don’t need preachers, we need teachers who know the Saviour as Yashua ! Your KJV is not a bible – it is a corrupted masonic VERSION (KJVersion)

6a – Chris Bowen meets the Flintstones


6b – The Simpsons are preparing us for what ? 

7a – Trump had his best legal day ever


7b – Trumps Lawyer Alina Habba – A nod to the Texas Flag.

7c – Donald Trump has received a massive endorsement that has Democrats worried sick.

The International Union of Police Associations (IUPA), representing over 140,000 law enforcement officers nationwide, ignited a firestorm of reactions with its Tuesday announcement endorsing Donald Trump for president.

8a – Tucker’s 5 key takeaways from the interview  

8b – The left are demonising Tucker – with accusations we cannot check

I put this up to show how far the left will go – Ignore the message – attack the messenger you believe what you want Do you feel guilt about anything you father may have done decades ago ? Surely a Cabal production

8c – What Putin knows but wants others to say  


9 – Robots are so real 

10 – The Coyote – a story about govt interference

11a – Footpath artist – amazing  

11b – Folsom Prison Blues    

End of Post

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