2023/10/15th   –  It’s not my problem

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Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only… All items are the opinion of the authors. A selected fraction of articles sent to me – Thank you contributors and ye anonymous donors.   

1 – It’s not my problem – we can all learn from this + Eph 5.11 + Pastors take note – it is not a suggestion

2 – President Donald Trump warning – 12 Oct.

“The next two weeks are going to be a very, very painful.” It’s only wise to be prepared for disasters and store at least a month’s worth of cash, water, food and essential items for yourself and to help others. I wonder if the Qld Govt-IGA warning has anything to do with this. Or is it only about bad weather  coming ?

3 – We haven’t rejected Indigenous people

Peter Dutton says tonight’s result proves that Australians “see themselves as equal”, and everyone is committed to improving their Indigenous countrymen. “They haven’t rejected Indigenous Australians. They have rejected the Voice and the government’s proposal which deliberately wasn’t explained to them,” he says. Dutton says the constitution “underpins the success of our country” and Albanese had demonstrated a “real arrogance” in seeking to alter it. “He was warned over the course of the last 16 or 17 months not to proceed with this divisive referendum. And he owes the Australian public an apology for that,” he says.

Jacinta Price + Warren Mundine OA + Pauline Hansen

Recommend these 3 for ‘The Order of Australia’ for their years of outstanding contribution to the people of Australia, our democracy and in showing future generations the true value of honesty and respect is a virtue our nation honours.

4a – Is the military in control ?  

We are seeing more UFO stuff in the news with the Israel conflict and even in south west USA. Only 72 days left this year. Let’s see what other news and sighting comes this month.or maybe arrests of those in 4b next ?

4b – List of vip pedos in Australia as a start – evil


5a – ‘Wake up’: Warren Mundine unleashes


5b – How the Voice was lost

6a – Jetstar pilot  Alan Dana

Klaus Schwab has banned vaccinated pilots from transporting World Economic Forum members to and from Davos because of the security risk they pose.

6b – Fake Pandemic ….. they are laughing at us


6c – Pope Francis Declares Klaus Schwab Is ‘More Important’


6d – New 10 commandments ? from guess who

7a – French Court –

A court in France has found in favour of a farmer who claimed that a 4G antenna was damaging his cows’ health, and has ordered for the antenna to be switched off. Apparently they are just animals, so frying radiation is human friendly, right? ….you still want 5G for your smartass phone ?


7b – Climate change agenda continues


8a – Forgotten technology

8b – What’s the story about copper ?

9a – Is HAARP agitating volcanoes ?     

HAARP agitating volcanoes     Is this finally some what proof of them making volcanos erupt? How could lightening come out of a volcano? Mount Sinai After seeing the HAARP Documentary you can clearly see that they can for sure do this. Its possible and probable. Lines right up with the Damage of DEWS Directed Energy Weapons and Geo Engineering…

10 – The Money Is Moving Towards Us

Posted by Wolverine Successful clean up and updated QFS. D.O.D, unlock codes for elderly locked and moving forward Billions released for humanitarian projects. The payers paid. Bond teams received some signatures. The remaining groups of each level will be paid in full. T,1,2,3,4

Banks complete the remaining layers of payments overnight.  The launch algorithms will be ready tomorrow. Those who attempt to interfere and delay will be arrested and replaced within hours. All equipment reinforces security at multiple levels and dimensions.

20 days of DISCLOSURE.  Everything posted by 2k Mules, soft announcements about arrests and notifications


End of Post

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