2023/12/24th – Supreme Court orders – drop all Trump cases

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Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only… All items are the opinion of the authors. A selected fraction of articles sent to me – Thank you contributors

A special thanks to the few anonymous people who have helped financially. I have no contact thank to thank you and I don’t want to deprive you of your blessing

The truth about the truth is that people don’t really want to hear the truth. They want to hear what they already believe is the truth, even if it is false. And that is the truth !

1a – Colorado’s Supreme Court Convicted Trump Prior to Trial

Colorado’s 100% Democrat Supreme Court has ruled that Trump cannot stand for president in Colorado because he is an insurrectionist.  But Trump has not been convicted of being an insurrectionist.  It is only an orchestrated Democrat political charge untested in court and the appeal process.  So here we have total proof that the Colorado Supreme Court is totally and completely corrupt, knows for certain that Trump would win, and to prevent the American majority from choosing their president has ruled Trump guilty prior to trial. This tells you all you need to know about Democrats


1b – Supreme Court gives instructions to drop all Trump cases  



1c – 4 Colorado Supreme Court judges face a flood of threats





1d – What is Central Casting ?

Central Casting is the company they get actors from for what’s playing out on the Tel lie vision programming machine etc Let’s hope we are near the end 

2a – Santa preparing and is now on the way  

2b – The First Christmas @ Times Square NYC, 2023    

Surprisingly with Christian Carols

3a – CIA Alice in Wonderland Psyop


3b – Klaus Schwab decries revolution against the elitesso sad eh ?


4 – Tesla Recalls 2 million vehicles made with “Auto-Pilot”

Just like in the auto-pilot scene in movie decode “Apocalypse Obama” of the film produced by Obama “Leave the World Behind” Tesla recalls all auto pilot vehicles (2 Million of them). Strange it happened as soon as the movie came out. Also included are many reasons why not to own a Tesla including video proof of many of them catching fire and electric vehicles being an overcall scam and a trap for idiots with too much money.


5a – Australian government is trying to sneak through Digital Identity Bill over Christmas

More fear porn ?…. When all governments worldwide are stood down it all goes away.


5b – Banks and Businesses in Australia are tightening the noose on cash – Cash is still legal Tender – fight back and use it everywhere. Boycott every no cash business

6a – Simpsons predicting no internet for a while 

6b – Has the Australian Government gone crazy ?

The Australian Government is proposing opening up the country to meat imports from Canada. Why would we ever need to ship meat 14,000km across the world when Australia has the most productive farmland, producing the best meat in the world right here? The answer is that the Australian Government is making it so hard for farmers to do their job with excessive regulations and the cost of doing business, shipping meat 14,000km becomes cheaper. Just let Australian farmers do their job and we can have cheap meat here, however this doesn’t align with the United Nations plan to have everyone eat bugs.


7a – Xi Jinping drops China Invasion Plans


7b – Candace Owens DESTROYS Entire Army Of Woke Students.


8a – Us Military alert – unusual Doomsday Plane Activity

8b – Civilization collapse ? Elites going to NZ and Hawaii bunkers


9a – Environmental Health Trust: Cell Tower School Policy and Health Issues

@ 12 min Australia… above normal… Send this to all the health ministers…..put them personally on notice…  They will run like rats.


9b – Poisoning the blood of our country – Australia also 

10a – Are babies are having – heart attacks in the womb? Dr James Thorpe ~ YES    

10b – Dr. Buttar likely lost his life warning us  

The COVID Injections Deliver a Payload Waiting to Be Activated by 5G

10c – The Incentivized Mass Murder of Children

11a – Covid lockdowns were a cover for Military operations saving children from the DUMBs.

11b – China Creates A New Covid “Inhalable Vaccine” Via chem-trails – lucky us ??


12 – Pay attention city dwellers


13a – Police Constable talks about the differences in policing then and now

13b – Officer Approached By Orphan – what she said had him call for backup 

Show the 2 items to people who don’t believe this is happening


13c – Children in cages – this is still happening

Children were held in cages for experiments, organ harvesting, torturous mind control, sexual exploitation, Adrenochrome production ( drinking blood of a traumatized child created a high and stopped the aging process) and child sacrificing rites in honour of Satan.


14a – Never forget what people did to their kids – because a scientist told them to jab them also

14b – Deeply sad message about Janet Ossebaard

Janet gave the world an immense gift by creating The Fall of the Cabal. She will never be forgotten. Suicide ?? one wonders


14c – Conspiracy Theories With Jesse Ventura 2009-2012: Jessie Warned us All. Did anyone take heed?


15a – Washington = Rome ?

16a – The only real humans left – are the unvaxxed

16b – Radiation is everywhere in Australia

17a – Council worker with attitude  

17b – The power of lasers 

18 – Barbara O’Neil – EMF from your laptop

19 – Taylor Swift promoting spells and a coven – she admits she has sold out to Lucifer

20a – Iraqi Dinar, Iraqi Fantastic Year Ahead With Exchange Rates, Iraqi Revaluation News


20b – Slowly slowly

Please ignore those out there that post dates and rates. They’re rekeying the RV from happening when they post that nonsense. Iran hasn’t gotten involved yet, we haven’t seen the missile attacks on them from Israel yet. Oil hasn’t spiked in price. The grace surrender hasn’t occurred yet. There’s a whole bunch of things that need to occur before the blessing happens. Once the attacks occur, most people’s eyes will be off of Iraq and that’s when it will truly happen. There are three things we will look for in 2024 when the liquidity crisis occurs: 

1.) XRP will bring liquidity to the banks and cryptos 

2.) the Dinar and Dong will bring liquidity to Gods giving kingdom specifically 

3.) printing of money and QE (quantitative easing) will being liquidity to both the cryptos and stock markets respectively. 

Things are heating up. Let’s see how tomorrow plays out Lots of positive news out there in all the channels. As you all know, I don’t get excited till I know for a fact this has gone. I have not gotten any confirmation that that has happened yet, so please remain calm And wait till this has actually gone before you get excited.  -Holly

What is happening with the currency exchange is biblical!  God has taken the riches from the evil and given it to the righteous. Those receiving these blessings were chosen for their good hearts!  We are humanitarians and will help the population with their needs. God wants us to use the financial blessings wisely and not squander it away.(To whom much is given, much is expected!). We give all glory and praise to God

20c – Twas The Night Before RV notification

Twas the night before reval, when all through the house

Not a creature was sleeping, not even my spouse.

The Dinars were laid on the table with care,

In hopes that the news soon would be there.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,

While visions of new cars danced in their heads.

And mamma in her snuggie, and I in my drawers,

Had just settled our brains for a long currency war.

When on the computer there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from the couch to see what was the matter.

Away to DinarGuru.com I typed with a clash,

opening to the homepage to see the NEWS  FLASH.

The glow of the screen on my laid out Dinar

Gave the vision of dreams I had held at afar.

When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,

But a flashing notice the RV was here.

The government was seated, so lively and quick,

I knew in a moment it must be a trick.

More rapid than eagles they fell all in line,

The IMF had told them “Now is the time”.

“Now Sudani! now, Allawi! now, Abadi and Saad!

On, Mullahs! On, Kurds! on, Ashour and Awaad!

To the top of the basket! to the top of the chart!

Now Revaluate! Revaluate! The RV must start!”

As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,

When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky.

So up to the top of the forex charts they flew,

With accounts full of dollars, and new millionaires too.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the tile

The prancing and dancing of my wife gone wild.

As I drew in my head, and was turning around,

I heard my phone ring, a startling sound.

It was my neighbor, who lives down the street,

He is a banker for Chase, and asked could we meet.

A bundle of ideals he had in his mind, of places my riches to put

he could find,

He sounded excited, but I had my plan set in my mind.

His voice how it lifted! He sounded so merry!

His words were like candy, his attitude so cherry!

He promised an exchange rate, without a great spread,

I feared if I trusted my dreams would be dead.

The receiver of the phone, he held tight in his hand,

And I could tell his heart, was beating like a band.

I could imagine his broad face and a big round belly,

That shook when he spoke, like a bowlful of jelly!

He is chubby and plump, like a fat old elf,

And I laughed when I thought about him, in spite of myself!

He asked me to call soon, as he was going to bed,

I thought to myself I have nothing to dread.

I put down the phone, and went straight to work,

I counted my money, then turned with a jerk.

I felt a soft finger aside of my nose,

And there stood my wife in an amorous pose!

I sprang to my feet, and let out a whistle,

And away we flew to our room like the down of a thistle.

The children surely heard me exclaim, as we dove out of sight,

“Happy RV to all, and to all a good-night!”


21a – If you grew up in the 1950s….you remember


22 – There is no such thing as a jew or gentile in the true Bible 

23 – What they found underneath Antarctica will amaze you

Scoffers – Note @ 3m 21s

End of Post

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